PARADISE  An untimely beauty with soft dark skin. She walks with the confidence of a queen strolling along the gold path laid before her. Wearing exquisite cloths crafted by the most conscious designers of her village. Her hair is golden with coils shining like crystals…

Ideal Reader

My ideal reader must like Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett, And Josephine Tey Though I don’t write magic, Or comedy, or mystery; yet These are my best fit. I think my audience will be small.   Form and prompt: Write a sevenling.

Prompt Twelve

Prompt Twelve This is my last prompt and I got stuck on the word count and couldn’t come up with anything to write. So, I checked the random prompts from previous years and one came up suggesting I use at least five of the eight…

Quoth the Poe

Down deep dark dreary pathways I follow The pounding pulse, twisting violent turbulent turns Gothic rhythms of your nightmares Spilling spinning screaming On aging pages Hold me hostage I dare not look away I dare not leave My blood pounding bruised beating heart Pleads for…