The Fallacy of Unitarity

In quantum physics, unitarity is a restriction
on the allowed evolution of quantum systems
that ensures the sum of probabilities
of all possible outcomes
of any event always equals one.

It is known in the physical world
that certain aspects
can exhibit themselves
in more than one place
at the same time.
Any young mother knows that,
since that’s how she picks up
the kids at soccer practice,
and gets the groceries,
and takes a much needed rest
all at the same time.

Newton’s first law: Every object will remain at rest
or in uniform motion in a straight line
unless compelled to change its state
by the action of an external force.

The external forces of a mother
are efficient and done before
you know it. The first section
of Newton’s first law of motion
clearly exemplifies that. Any mother
can remain at rest because she needs
that rest, and cannot be compelled
to move by any external force.

She, therefore, must divide herself,
breaking the rule of unitarity into a dualarity,
to drive herself into another quantum system
to pick up the kids from soccer practice,
as compelled by an obvious external force.

And, during that same time frame,
she must again split into a third
full mother quantum system, becoming
a full triarity, because
everyone is counting on her,
and she absolutely must go about
getting the groceries.
Her existence really is
very trying at this point.
If this statement were untrue,
children wouldn’t exist.

Too bad that any and all answers
to this statement
must be considered speculation.

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