High school

High school.

The time everyone feels the need to act cool.

Gone are the days when we played Hangman and Tic-Tac-Toe.

Now it’s all about what you did and who you know.


Conversations are no more about the previous episode of Scooby-Doo

But about the latest fashion trend and who’s dating who.

Boys and parties are the new thing.

And, gosh, don’t get me started on the drama high school brings!


It’s like your life did a full 180 degree turn.

And you either going to shine or crash and burn.

It’s intimidating, exciting and confusing all wrapped in one

But my advice is: study hard while having fun.

If you were to die today

If you were to die today

What would you do? What would you say?

Would you spend it with those you care about?

Or would you prefer to be alone and shut everyone out?


Would you repent for your every mistake ?

Would eat as much as your body can take?

What would your last words be?

What is the last thing you would want to see?


What are your thoughts as your life fades?

Would you think about all the memories you have made?

Would you feel content or would you feel fear?

Would you have no regrets with the time you’ve spent here?


But whenever our lives may cease,

I hope that we have lived and rest in peace.