Hour 24

I did it!! The writing might suck for all the poems but I did it! I wrote 24 poems in 24 hours once again. Now to double check they are all posted!


Hour 24 prompt inspired 


The feeling of light when there’s no sun

The breath of air underwater

The steady ground when there was quicksand 

Your hand in mine forever and a day

The belief that you don’t have something hiding

Something incurable waiting beneath your skin

The dawn at midnight

The clearing after the deepest forest

The magic of flight with no wings


Hour 23

Almost there! Going to double check again that I haven’t missed any other hours. Can’t believe I had missed hour three. But I caught it.


Hour 23


Tired body 

Wandering mind

Lack of focus

Missing energy

Too much walking

Not enough sleep

Hoping that words flow

Pleading for lines to make sense 

Hour 3 Because I somehow Missed Posting This One

Oh my god I almost missed posting this poem!! I’m glad I decided to double check what I have posted. And then checked that against my Google doc. Thank goodness I caught that mistake!


Hour 3


Every library I have ever been in

Has held more love than any other holy place

Each book asking to be cared about

And each story carrying love

Each story time filled with new love of words

And each bag filled with love on the way out

Hour 22

Out of all the prompts I’m surprised pizza was this inspiring. But it was fun to write this up quick!


Hour 22 used prompt


Piece of joy covered

In cheese and mushrooms

Zapped in the oven to bake

Zipped into a delivery bag

Arrived at my home to eat

Hour 21

Losing my creative brain so you get two haikus. A bit silly but fun to write.


Hour 21


Treetops above me

Grassy fields below my feet

Shit I’m really lost

Stretch and yawn at dawn

Run and have fun in the sun

Crawl in bed at ten

Hour 20

This one came to my brain really fast. It’s kinda silly and almost is t a poem at all. But hey counting it today!


Hour 20


My worst habit isn’t that bad

It’s almost silly really

I never tie my shoes before leaving for work

I get them on my feet and go

Which isn’t a problem

Until you end up in the ditch

And there no pretty way to put it

When the ditch has a couple feet of snow

And your shoes are untied

Hour 19

Is it cheating to write just one haiku? Maybe a little but alls fair in sleep deprivation and poetry.


Hour 19


A loss of thought leads

Me down a path of ever

Lasting confusion

Hour 18

I like the idea I had going here but I’m tired and my brain can’t think through long thoughts.


Hour 18 used prompt


It’s odd to feel almost haunted

When I spend time with them

They are still here

Still real

But they said they could be sick

And if they are who knows how long they get 

So I feel followed by the shadow

Of possible loss when I’m with them

Hour 17

Hour 17


Sometimes I wonder if tattoos can be love notes

Notes for myself to see and smile at

Each pass of ink a new I love you

And if they are love notes

Can anyone read them

Or just me

Am I the only one hearing my skin whisper 

The ink giving it voice

Letting it say I love you

Hour 16

Ended up with a prose type poem.


Hour 16

The problem with being in love with a group of poets is I’m monogamous. And most live hours away across state lines. And even if they were close I would be to shy to say much more than hi. So how could they fall in love with me back? And maybe I’m not in love love but one of those other forms of love the Greeks talked about. Back when Zeus’s love life was first told. Maybe I just love them like family. Or maybe it’s friends. Or maybe those are the same. But I know I love my circle of poets.


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