Hour 5 Chugging Along With Writing

Woot woot getting some thoughts down!


Hour 5


Some days or maybe all days 

I feel like an option 

That everyone I love

Only sometimes asks for me

I’m like a side salad when they have fries

Or I’m peanuts on a sundae

They might add something 

But many people wouldn’t think to add them

And maybe that’s the pessimistic in me

Or maybe I need to make sure

I find people who ask for me

Hour 4 Slowly Catching Up

Gotta really focus for awhile now!

Hour 4


We are states always and some days I wish farther

Most friendships end either explosively or slow

And yet I was able to fade quickly 

And it’s not really you

Nor is it really me

But it’s us

And for us I was changing in a way that you weren’t

And I realized that with my changes I was tired

Tired of the same conversations 

Tired of being ignored

Tired of being first and last on your list of friends

Tired of you not getting it

I haven’t hated you

But I don’t love you anymore

And that might be the kindest thing I can do for you now


Hour 3 Still Behind

Still about eight poems behind but I’m enjoying this creative process of quick writes to catch up.


Hour 3


Every library I have ever been in

Has held more love than any other holy place

Each book asking to be cared about

And each story carrying love

Each story time filled with new love of words

And each bag filled with love on the way out

Hour 2 Also Late

Well strong start in catching up so far!


Hour 2


If every poem is a love poem

Then let this one be for me

Let this poem know every imperfection 

Know every dip of my body

Know each crack in my soul

Know all the wishes I never speak

If every poem is a love poem

Let this one love m

Hour 1 Really Late

I ended up going to the renaissance festival with some family today so I’ve got a lot to catch up on. Here’s hoping I can get some poems started. Some of these might be really short for a bit.


Hour 1


Stick figure masterpieces

That’s how my writing feels

Simple and yet complete

A whole world can be on the paper

And yet it is there to be seen

Hour 24

Home wasn’t super vibing with me but Meraki came up in my writing Pinterest board as an inspiration so I used that to write. Its a bit rough but I have 24 poems (I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any now to double-check).




The place I put my soul

My creativity

My love

I put it into notebooks

Into crafts

Into people

It is here filling space

In my home

In my work

It slips through into others

My soul

My creativity

My love

Hour 23

Ooo we are hitting the rough time where everything I write feels shitty. But I am here for it!


The House of River and Smoke


The house sits on an island 

Made from rivers

Cutting through the earth

Letting the fog hide it

The earth’s smoke mixed

With the smoke from our fires

The house sits stuck in time

Waiting to be found again

Waiting for the next need

Hour 22

I have not been feeling these last few prompts but that’s what the internet is for ya know.




Friendship is supposed to be two sided

Unless it’s with you I guess

Cause you wait for me to reach out

Knowing I always seem too

You can choose when to engage

On each message deciding if its worth it

Until now

Hour 21



Yellow and tall

As if trying to reach their namesake

Sunflowers stretch out to the sky

As if they are reaching hands

To the stars

To the clouds

To someone far away 

But right there

And that is how some friendships are

My hands reaching out

Their hands out waiting

And now we are here 

In sunflowers

In friendship

Hour 20

Night Thoughts


The walk is both short and long

One moment still part of society

Next lost in the world

Water rushes in the stream

The stars shine overhead

And I let myself think

Away from the noise of the world

I walk to where the wind turbine is

The only piece of the world here

I watch it’s slow spin

My mind matching its speed

And I know that it is too late

And too early to be here alone

But when else should I come here