Those Who Took Care Of Us(Prompt 14)

in the words of Robin Wall Kimmerer,

those who took care of use,

i am guilty,

for i never took care of then when i had the chance,

gifting us with oxygen,

we took breathing for granted,

now choked and suffocated,

here lie the remains of the human civilisation,

the starved themselves of life,

and as their nature fought for the last of the light,

instead of naturing and cultivating it,

they fell victim,

now the land filled with bodies

a sight of fright


The Goal{sport body chronicals}(Prompt 13)

sweat dripping,

heart pulpitating,

and oxygen gushing out at every breathe,

10k jog inĀ  under 10mins,

nah this feels like a sprint,

one whose destination is bitter,

never sweet,

wait, it is,

being fit,

i constantly rethink my life choices at 5k,

question my sanity at 8k,

think about stopping at 9k,

think of falling at 9.5k

the night is darkest before the sun rises,

(it’s just after 3am here)



The highway (Prompt 12)

I could be driving 365 on the highway,

Approaching a curve,

And still wouldn’t have the motivation to,

Slow down,

You didn’t,

So why should i,

Cut, slit throat,

Check please,

You didn’t break my heart,

You Slit and Cut it,

Marked your initials with a knife by puncturing my heart,

I could have,

I think should have bled out,

What’s a dead toy much use of,

So you used a needle and wire to stitch what a bandage would have done justice,

I felt pain,

So what’s death to a man with iron pins in his heart,

Running on crude oil

I detest romance,

The tiniest flaws leaving excruciating pain


Tuesday(Prompt 11)

i heard there’d be lush forests,

sunny skies and sunny sun lit skies,

honestly this places still feels like Monday with extra glitter,

how the sky glooms and the stones wet from previous rains,

present is a thick forest filled with poison ivy,


she bites and dies,

the lush forests of Tuesday,

mountains of despair,

lost hope and death fills the humid air,

how you fear for your life before you enter,

lacking is the sign,

Tuesday island home to hades,

because the skeletons of explorers new and old filled the floors of the pathways,

but all adventurers have a sense of danger,

and that lacked in me,

instead i entered Tuesday Island greed filled as the islands volcano erupted gold,

man’s greatest thirst,

needed be quenched,

greed was my demise


Demon’s Tracking(Prompt 10)

i run away from my shadow,

daytime and night,

tryna keep myself at bay,

the demons have taken over my shadow,

it constantly tries to detach itself from me,

a body part at a time,

night approaches it gathers strength,

terrorizing my dreams this thing,

best above all things


Contained(Prompt 9)

A glass bottle was all it took,

to bottle up all the feeling we had for eachother,

like fireflies attracted to long grass,

our feelings the bottle,

emotions never subtle,

they crammed themselves violently yet peaceful in nature,

our feelings nested in each other,

we then sealed it up and stored it in our strange little cottages walls,

it was love that could last ages,

the bottle a time capsule,

surviving summer’s heat to winters cold,

she was the one for me and Christ confirmed


Let’s Share Sunsets

I wish life had more heart shaped sunsets,

And when the night sets,

We rewind,

And appreciate or daily upsets,

For those,

Those have forced you to grow further into Jesus’s perfect object,

Shaping you into a mouthpiece that quiets unrests,

Bringing more people to God,

Through Jesus the one and only pathway


The Season Of Heartbreak(Prompt 7)

My bed feels colder without you in it,

i took you for granted and i’m sorry,

my heartaches for you,

i know actions speak louder than words,

but allow my words to penetrate your soul,

allow me to paint pictures with the words sorry in vivid colours painted in the night sky,

babe listen,

i’m sorry for letting you go,

worst mistake i ever made,

i was afraid to swallow my pride, afraid to get choked,

but the pain that came from losing you forced my heart to pull my pride from my mind and tongue straight to my gut,

court is in session,

you Ser pride have been found guilty of breaking Sir Heart,

for letting one of the few reasons the body has to live leave our arms and they misses her,

Sir Chest misses her warmth,

the brothers Rib miss the vibration of synchrony that happened when our heartbeats matched frequencies,

the eyes complain, for they miss perfection in their sight in the morning,

Ser pride,

you’re guilty of treason,

and you do this each winter season,

you cut off the other half that makes us whole,

now we’re stuck cold,

because you had cold feet

your penalty is…………


Paradise Isn’t Just One Site (Prompt 6)

waking up isn’t a struggle,

floating out of my bed to the sound of an overused but melodious whistle,

the pianokeys being struck just right,

paradise and adventures,

all snuggle into my head,

the places where i feel at peace,

coffee served straight from bed in a walking teapot,

a walking cup,

as we sip the coffee afternoon comes and we eat the wines,

dinner is served,

roasted beef served on a silver platter,

if i had a way to spend the day isolated,

earphones in ears,

set my imagination free,

i’ll have conversations with God,

as we float round the earth,

telling Him the secrets i’ve never dared to share


Lover’s Bay(Prompt 5)

allow me to take you to lovers bay,

the map is inscribed in our love,

and the compass directions in the wind,

allow me to take you to lover’s bay,

a night times boat drift from the shore,

we’ll have packed dinner that took to prepare,

a huge fluffy blanket,

ours to share,

and sunglasses that i’ll teach you the function of during the night ride,

we’ll stargaze like we sunbathe,

and when dawn approaches,

you’ll hear me bellow,


allow me to take you to lover’s bay
