Cries in the night

Cries in the Night

A guttural howl
Echoes in the soundless night
Breaking into song.

A car revs crunching
Our dreams and peaceful sleep
Blood covers the ground.

A moment can change
A mood can alter instantly
Life is unpredictable.

Gunshots. Bullets. Death.
Life ends before it begins
Respect each other.

The Begining

The Begining

I’ve often wondered
How to pin-point the beginning.
Is it the moment I took my first breath
Or the moment that shaped
My destiny.

The beginning holds
My secret to unlocking
Why I am
The way I am
Is locked in the moment
I’m searching for.

Maybe it will erase the pain.
Perhaps it will remove the doubt.
Or it could help me move forward.
Or I could create a new beginning –
One filled with love, hope and peace.