Ready. Get Set. Go! (Poem #4)

Be strong

Stand tall

The battle isn’t over

The journey has just begun

Life isn’t easy

But we can make it fun

Do not give up

Take heart

Stand tall

Be strong

Dark to Light (Poem #3)


Beautiful and indescribable colors

Greens, blues, reds

Joy, laughter, smiles

How do I even begin…

The journey

The living hell

Life without sight

It has been indescribably difficult

Disgust, hatred

My wish was death

But now

Now I want to be that light

The brightness in people’s lives

My life is different

I was blind

But now I see

I was consumed by darkness

Now I am the light the expels it

My life is forever changed

Our Magical Adventure (Poem #2)

It is so different

Our lives have changed so much

One day we are strangers

Now the day is dull without you

You bring light into my life

You shine through the darkness that surrounds me

We are nowhere near perfect

Our imperfections create struggles


They cannot stop the love I have for you

Our struggles make us strong

We don’t let them

circumstance or comment

Trouble or argument

We don’t let them define our love

It’s incredible

The strength in forgiveness

The love without borders

The passion for each other

It is like magic

Impossible to understand

But after the show

Left in complete awe

It is the amazement of the indescribable

We are undefinable

We are a breed of our own

We are like magic

Something to admire

Something people enjoy and desire


We are unattainable

We are one of a kind

We are magic

Thank you Lord

For this magical adventure of indescribable love

Willingness to Bend (Poem #1)


Just blow me away

Let my melody run with the wind

Nothing can stop the breeze you are flowing within me.

It is an overflow of your spirit,

an overflow of your joy,

your promises are everlasting.

there are no circumstances!

Just as you blow the wind with full force,

just as you rush the water in the rivers without hesitation

you also pull me into your loving arms

Let my strength be as willing as a feather taking it’s course in the wind.

Little About Me

Hello everyone,

My name is Sophia.

I am currently a spanish student in Costa Rica and I have been writing poetry of my own style since I was about 12. It is a passion of mine and I love the gift that is connected to it!

Hope to have fun doing this!