L.U.S.T. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

Corroded & rusty

with radiioactive contents

or at least toxic

Buried all over-everywhere

Find the map on the net

punch in your address or better yet

some streets in your general vicinity

See the locations

Under a gas station

a wrecking yard a hospital

a church and a school

Look at the dates

They’ve been buried for decades

Most of them are leaking

into the water table

or just into the soil

They had a fund

to clean them up

But then somehow

I guess they forgot

Bigger fish to fry

Nukes and climate crimes

American Fairy Tale

Now that we have our empire

at least half by the sweat of your brow

Your loved ones

Your babies

Dead in the ground

Freedom your birth right

Now we will strip away

your share of the prosperity

Your autonomy

Even your humanity

Now that we have our empire

We strip from all women

and especially little girls

The right to talk back

to a husband

to a boyfriend

to any man

The right to disobey or defy

your Father

your Brother

any Man

Your right to decide

who’s baby to have

Your right to decide

not to have your Dad

be your babie’s Dad

Now we decide who’s

babies you will have

Best act right

If you don’t want us

to make you pregnant again

Oh sorry I lied

It’s ok you’re used to that

Next Time

Never never

Not even once

did I have a time

that really sucked

that later on down the road

turned out to be something great

Maybe maybe

the next time

i have a bad time

will be the time

it turns out great

Past Future Time /hr 7

The  ribbon of  filmstrip

Known as linear time

Is starting to fray at the ends

Always travel west

Just like ol Jim said

“The west is the beeesst”

Oh, I know that was before my time….

In a club up the boulevard

Frequented by  ” rock stars”

Stored in happiest happy hour time

Through my time travel film strip

I can still remember

But cannot imagine quite

What it was like looking

That like, or like that, like

The everything of the past

Is the nothing at all of today

Too old to go out

Too bored to stay home

There’s not enough makeup

In all the world.


Cherished? /hr5

Fleeting glimpses

Inner minds staring eyes

Now unsure with trepidation

Who you thought you knew

Where you thought you were

Keeps hittin rewind

Playin the before time

You are so cherished”

Way before I even knew

Where it was you really went

……… & with who

Empty words hang in the air

Decayed decade of lies

Replaced by silent space

Every time,

I glance sideways,

To see the vacancy of lies,


Drummers, a dozen a dime…”

Behind shaded eyes,

I’m getting slammed by a semi.

Please say you’ll come over and chase the shadows away….”

blah blah blah….

I’m starting to not feel cherished anymore.

This “bop” ain’t the top /hr3

If you wanna

Stop mass shootings

there is but one thing to do

have those who do all the ruling

have to have kids

In public school too

Get your killing out of our lives

If you wanna

Stop your kids from

Bein shipped out

Used up

As if disposable

Mandate that their kids

Are the first paper towel roll

To be replaced

Get your killing out of our lives

Stop the war and killing and hate

The finning of sharks and

bear cubs killed and pups

We are after all

Earths one and only

Human Race.

Get your killing out of our lives

Recipe for Duq de la Fascism /hr2

Recipe For Disaster

1. Put children and their well being at the bottom

of priorities rather than the top.

2. Actively create programs that actually make children

suffer harm in one way or another in mass numbers

all over the world.

3. Do not have a viable operational way of keeping close

watch on your leaders at all times, in all things.

Exist in oblivion as to what they are and are not

doing -in your name, no less.

4. Be a leader, or have a leader who does not understand that

the reportage of their activities serves to benefit them as well,

because it will stop them from being able to indulge their

most catastrophic of impulses, which means they live ,

because they weren’t allowed to kill us all, their whole

term is a big fantastic terrific success and they are every

bodys favorite. We all go on to finally do that persuit of

happiness thing.

5. Invest in death rather than in life. You will only get a return

on what you have invested in.

Mother Ear hour 1

What will be left

When finally his turn is done

With what’s left of her

From the clench of

His vice like grip

Dripping with plaque

Will we get there in time?

Will she still be alive?

If we bring the non-doctors

And tell her to please not cry

That everything will be alright

Once we free her from his wretched control

Will there be nothing left of our selfless Mother,

and the only home that we know?



I dunno if I am doing this right. I tried to do the facebook

thing and am unable to do it.  So I jumped off so I could

get in before too late. Maybe I will try the FB thing again

here in a few ).

I am not sure what I want to do in the Poetry Marathon .

Learn something? I know very little so there’s lots

of room there.

Meet other people that write poetry too, laugh and crack

up and see if I can make myself useful ? Offer an encouraging

word? I really have not done this before, probably kinda obvious.

Can’t wait to meet everyone and get started though,what do

I do now?:)