Hour 12: Halfway Through

I am the river and I am the shore, uncertain and afloat

Tumbling in the dark, and well

They say I’m only twenty-five

So how can I fall, when the sun has just arrived?

It’s so bright, I should be able to see into the horizon

The sunlight that flies in

Into my eyes, well now I’m blinded

And reminded,

That there’s no reason for my fears,


The realization, did not seem to remove them

Neither reprove them

And so if there’s no illness, there’s no cure,

But my soul, is still trapped

Wrapped, in a dark cloud of doubt,

And no matter how many pills they come out

With, none work because I am not ill

Only ailing

And the road, through hardly assailing,

Is not a friend,

With no end in sight, I turn around and

And now another year has gone by,

But I’m halfway through

And used to the dark cloud

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