Hour 8 Prompt – Through Her Eyes

I brought her into this world,
But she is like a mother to me,
Darkness is the only colour for me,
Though I see the beautiful world,
Through her eyes only,
Every morning she holds my hand,
She walks with me in the garden,
Tells me the beauty of nature,
I see the magical creation of God,
Through her eyes only,
She sits next to me,
Tells me how water changes its colours,
When sun’s rays fall into the pond,
How swiftly the fishes change their directions,
There is only darkness all around,
Though I can see some light of hope,
Through her eyes only,
I can smell the roses,
I can feel the intense heat of the sun,
I can listen to the mystical sound of chimes,
But I can see none of them,
She clasps her little fingers around mine,
And makes me see beyond the darkness,
I remember to live every day,
Through her eyes only,
I cannot see my child,
But she is the apple of my eye,
I live because she is in my life,
I feel my existence in this world,
Through her eyes only,
I might give up on life,
But her indomitable will,
Helps me to survive,
I fall in love with the darkness,
Because it brings me closer to my child,
And I can see a beautiful life ahead,
Through her eyes only!

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