Why We Write

Writing is a form of catharsis. It provides one with the agency to express pure ideas that can change the world. Throughout my life, I have always attempted to be engaged. Simultaneously, I studied the humanities and the sciences at Yale – allowing my grasp of one to inform my attempt to tame the other. And in this quest, I discovered that there is great beauty in understanding the integration of disciplines: the cultivation of a holistic perspective. I have aspired to emulate the ideals of the true Renaissance man – in tune with the elements of culture, rational exploration, humor, and discovery. In essence, what it means to be human is to question: to find connections between ideas and then express them in a form that is timeless and evocative. I find that poetry gives us an opportunity to reflect on the experiences that have built us. A true chance to transcend limited understanding and distill the essence of what makes us special into the form of crystalline prose. That is why I want to dedicate myself to this exercise in reflection. Poetry is a way to understand myself. But more so, it is a way to understand all of humankind.