Hour 19: Inimitable


not by design

but by my twistings

like a leaf in the wind

turning on a dime

the details are unimportant 

would you be changed by knowing 

that I’ve had 2 eggs, veggies and toast for breakfast for too many months to recall

Or how many sit-ups I did yesterday

(I don’t count)



I have a small aspirational mountain of books beside my bed

A notebook of half-written songs

And fingers that are learning to walk

The sharps and flats of piano keys and guitar strings


You would do better to know

That I believe in humanity

After having been disappointed, 

And on occasion, sorely

By both those I have seen as community

And the structures that were never built to hold them


That I believe in you and your magic

even when you don’t want me to

and when it kinda annoys you to have someone in your corner

One thought on “Hour 19: Inimitable

  1. This is so lovely…at 4-something a.m.! I am in awe of poets who did the whole 24 hour marathon. The details here resonate so much. I especially love this stanza:

    I have a small aspirational mountain of books beside my bed

    A notebook of half-written songs

    And fingers that are learning to walk

    The sharps and flats of piano keys and guitar strings

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