HOUR 15 The Fall of the House of Cards

The Fall of the House of Cards


I watch on as Valkyrie fails, quivering as she laments in the cruelest of tasks given,

My unholy command for the blood of her untainted brother not forthcoming,

Resolution now guides my form, smirking in shadowed ecstasy,

I retrieve her dropped farming implement with steady hand,

The sickles hilt firm in my practiced and unforgiving palm,

Silently I move to end her undying, fraternal love,

For I grab Jon’s head with a menacing grip,

His widened eyes betraying realization,

A brisk stoke, a deluge of arterial spray,

A second stroke coats Valkyrie further,

The shrouded air cerise in hue,

A third severing silky sinew,

Forth ripping cartilage,

No fifth produced,

Rapid hand tugs,



Screams, cries, and a veritable cacophony of sound to greet me

For I am victorious and ecstatic at the true joy soon coming,

Now the Mistress of Macabre, Valkyrie is totally mine,

Subservient to my will in a game she introduced,

If fate were my ally, its smiles on favorably,

Her ensuing slavery no commencing,

The head of her brother gifted,

Booming shrieks retreating,

She whimpers as broken,

Her power depleted,

A victim self-made,

Now surrenders,

My  true power,

My iron will,

Her life





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