
A new beginning a new start Now is the time with the sunrise to tackle this work

Prompt twenty three

I miss the smile I had in your arms The tender sweetness wrapped knowingly Peaceful I miss the cool softness of your touch on my head I miss the pooling of sheets on this sweet bed Aww sleep how I miss you Soon you will…

Missed Opportunity

My true calling? What is with All the questioning   Pointedly objected Forever scarred Early on, from ones she loved Now weary, scared   Exhilarating- freeing In creative be-ing But it’s not a job   How to change that feeling Dig, further in It’s okay,…

Hour 23: Stone Hare

I’m forever playing catch-up to the tortoise held back and back the faster my mind races on and it seems I only run on empty or not at all I have ever been indentured to the slaves held down and down the farther my spirit…


The suitcase packed tightly with treasures some clothes and some… other stuff important to me probably not to anyone else my treasures are unique

22. The Master and the Maid

Still she stood as the master ordered Her helper’s overalls were exchanged for a black revealing gown Bought from the Maiden Fair store Her master was an artist Everyone knew him She was privileged to work for him they said She wondered what the privilege…


Searching for the words The one’s I’ve left to write The one’s still trapped inside Fighting to find light I can bear them calling Sense the images they paint I can sense the being Tongue speaks of as faint Orchestrated motion To perfect setting sun…

Prompt 23

You’ve got me wrapped Around those tiny little hands And while I am not there now, I just hope you can understand Sometimes isolation is the cost Of being a better woman. I love you and I miss you more than I planned.


Blue is the colour of my heart.   I tried to colour it green once, a colour of renewal, life and hope but the crayon was broken, dull and useless.   I’ve gotten used to my blue heart.   You can get used to anything…

23. Gold Plated

I never (don’t say it) I never had ever hoped to be without you like I am now. You, sitting high with your God Praising praises and good works (mother, do not encourage this) and shit. All of it. You can have my empire of…