A myth’s impact   Zeus himself came to earth to conceive him with a mortal and Hera hated her husband for doing so, but the child was born and he was named Hercules.   He had the power of gods, but the heart of a…

A Writer’s Body

Most of my life, I’ve been petite.  A dancer, personal trainer, five-foot-three, size two. Then I became a writer. Paid to sit and pen my words. I’ve put on thirty-pounds over two years. Honestly, I love writing, it’s the perfect job. But I must say,…

Emeralds And Diamonds…

She wore emeralds and diamonds Round her neck So much a Manet outline So much like Klimt imcoplete I like his work Her beauty, strength and eyes like fired up steel High rank as high as her high cheek bones Her thoughtful look is deep…


His brain how it Burned … ( by twin flames of Desire? ) ~ Heavens, no!~ << by the flames of the Fire >> ~ his Beautiful mind ~ ( known only to Me ) << Lost in the blaze >> for All eternity …

21. He that cannot be named

Biggest, really? Most popular, right The most successful, sure Lies, embellishment Insane Stupid Ignorant Christian? Not the end yet but covfefe?!

Don’t Cry

8/6/17 4:31am Don’t Cry Do you remember the way things were when we first met? Roller-coasters beneath fireworks and every day was a celebration. Every day was an anniversary, an outpouring display, Of all of our shiniest bits. The ones that I like to nibble…

Five Years Later

Dear American, the roads that had brought us close did fork yet again. Broken strings and emptied ink could not muster a good bye.


I didn’t get to say goodbye. Not officially anyway. I was stuck in a whole other city, While you and Daryl sat alone in the waiting room. But my heart shattered when I heard the news. I knew that your time here was winding down,…

20. Wild Sea Mammals

They line up along at the shallow waters of the sea They come sharp at 4 in the afternoon They know if they come up to the humans, They’ll get a fish This goes on for an hour or so Who trained them, no one…

Needing Rain

I see a spider but he doesn’t see me.   I prepare for battle and kill him.   It still doesn’t rain and I dying of thirst.   So much for old wive’s tales.   What do I do now?   I guess I did…