21. Magic

Magic Money is Magic It creates all the best things and experiences in this world Money is Magic The more you share The more you receive That’s why Money Is Love Like Love It’s getting more powerful the more you use it Actually you cannot…


  Better to start with what I Haven’t missed. I haven’t missed the meals I skipped When the choice was art or Bread I haven’t missed money Unless I was broke and begging But I’d miss any page gone from these shelves I haven’t missed…

My Best Friend…My Husband (23rd hour)

There are many days I reflect upon our union The memories of our first kiss still has me swooning I wonder what magical manifestations were created on our behalf What sort of divine intervention had to be choreographed? Our love is that of a young…

Hour 17 Loss of Time

Loss of time is killing the fine line between sanity and restlessness between you and me a gap to bridged With every passing time the gap widens with bridge extending its strength. Should I skip to run to the pace of time waiting for it…

Poem no. 22 Baptism

I have found myself to be invisible. These muscles, weakened as they are, already drenched with the sensation of flowing water, have left me hesitant. Bereft. So I renounce the world. Abjure the tiny, gracious interactions that would tether me closer to the everyday. It…

the return of the sun

the return of the sun   my beach blanket smells of lake plants and sun. I never knew I had a beach blanket in these years of body shame and black and white images from a life I did not want photographed.   now I…

Familiar face

What if I said I knew you were the one because I wrote about you before I knew you existed? I dreamed up your presence to sell books. I felt your sweet kiss captured between Pages written in my mind. A mental flip recalls your…

20. Money is Light

Money is Light Pouring all over me Washing my heart Soothing my muscles Clearing my voice Opening my path Money is Light Pouring all over me Money is Light Healing all that is Money is Light Coming from within Shining like a bright star All…

Hour 23: Summer Days

Summer Days It used to be In summertime We would spend all day in the pond Diving off the dock Swimming underwater Playing in the sand Not until Mother called Would we walk, dripping Up to the house Sitting in wet bathing suits To keep…