Time Well Spent – Hour Twenty Three

I miss our batshit friendship, Our crazy ‘third-on-the-right-eighth-on-the-left’ road trips Our concerts in the park bandstand, The sense we had the world in our hands, About to be conquered by our own unique brands Of madness, But I’m happy we had this – \the sky…

I See You

I am inside the letters of this poem.   That makes no sense!   And yet here I am, staring at you staring at the letters I write.   Why do you look so sad?

How to do crabbing

What an all day to catch a crab And it takes a lot of patience to go crabbing under the heat of a fiery sun. You add the bait inside the net You lower the net to the bottom of the shallow water and wait…


I can’t promise that I’m not a thunderstorm but I was the best part of the rain. The sleep weather. The gentle roars. The Friday nights in. The cool flicker. The grey.


I dreamed of time spent with you Nestled to my chest Soft and new I ache with longing to see you Hold you again In my arms I give thanks to pictures To help pass the time until I see you again    


  I am like the moon dead inside but still glowing more whole some days than others and sometimes disappearing but   even when the moon is shrouded in darkness no one doubts her right to take up space   her beauty is all reflection…


I miss those paper boats We used to make on rainy days And those magic shows We used to watch in a daze. I miss those story books We used to read every day And those art and craft lessons Where we butchered the clay….

Hour Twenty Three Missing

Hour Twenty Three Missing by Paul Robert Sanford Body by Rubens Personality shaped by the suburbs of the valley. Sweet, bright, with lovely soft childish nasal voice. College sweetheart, first wife, divorced when her father died Unsettled child, guided by her mother happily humming to…

Hour 23

Almost done can’t believe I have made it this far!!! I thought for sure I was going to drop out and just go to bed at some point but nope I’ve got this. Text You Close Missing you is weird We were never very close…

Missing You

Every night I long for you, Day time too. Tonight especially Or is it morning? The dark deceives But not you, my love You are my life My one true love, Faithful as the moon When I’m weary Or merely bored In the dawning light…