
Born of the same parents Raised by them too Open to discussion Thorough thru and thru Helpful but not hopeful Earnest if not open Raconteur to all he knows

stormy weather

I miss seeing the curl to your hair, your low voice in my ear often, the smell of you, the taste of ice cream on Sunday, a hand on my hip, lips at my throat, my name being whispered just so, and then you’re there…

Not in the least

Claims made by fishermen politicians guys on a prom date can be taken at their word if the words are unspoken firsthand supported by three corroborating witnesses backed up by video duly notarized void where prohibited or English is spoken and understood words to the…


I go shopping to buy stuff I don’t need,   I don’t need to go shopping to buy stuff.   To go shopping I don’t need to buy stuff.   To buy stuff I don’t need to go shopping.  

22. The Rococo Narrative

Unsolicited elegance. “just paint your picture and be done with it” she says. Unamused, not impressed. “I do despise this dress with the lowest of my being” she’ll scoff, and reach for the decanter. “Madame, you mustn’t move, I must capture your essence” aye sir,…

19. Are you afraid?

Are You Afraid or are you in love? In one case you will be more afraid and in the other, you will receive a bunch of money   Are You Afraid or are you in love? You can’t be both you know