Hour 22 Lady in Black Ekphrastic poem

22 2017 Ekphrastic poem Lady in Black by Paul Robert Sanford Style and elegance trump comfort in her pose head turned sharply to the side to show her chiseled profile. Wasp waisted from wearing iron corsets which over time move the woman’s internal organs permanently….

A woman of grace

She’s  the goddess of the universe, And she deserve love and respect. Her beauty is mesmerizing And  watch out, you can be hypnotized. Her beautiful eyes are impressive, she has a kindred spirit. The curve of her hips are gracefully swaying like a swan in…

Ode to the Lady in Black -22

What woman stands alone? What angle in her tone? What frame of life is this? What lies beneath cold gaze? What restraint in posture? What unasked question phrased?   Here power lies like ebon coals, yet under wraps, seem stronger; therefore your gaze, gaze on;…

Chocolate Grace

My lovely swan, to whom do you petulantly gaze, Elegantly craning your milky neck just out of sight? Or do you pose for the painter, brushes on pallet Oozing spirited sex and sass in the casual clasp, The table’s edge between a thumb and forefinger?…

17. Bunny Money

Burning money  by both ends is so much fun until there’s none left and it’s time to wake up with a  hangover and go to work to earn money to burning it by both ends is so much fun

A Lady in Waiting – Hour Twenty Two

Her gaze fixed on this aphrodisiacal male, Taking a tour outside – just outside this frame, Her hem rising with the edges of her mouth Skirts caught in a lascivious grasp Lips now clasped To erase a gasp. With her free hand she relies on the table…

Olé Flamenco Dancer (22nd hour)

Carmen waits for the guitarist to strum and pluck While the other dancers sit Clap Stomp in unison The singer wails *con tanto pasion Egging Carmen on To slam her feet on the platform As she raises her left hand in the air with her…

Who Comes

Who is it she sees Coming for thee? Is that concern in your eyes Or just your distain? Might it be your husband’s approach to go to the play Or is your lover coming to take you away   Will you soon smile as he…

22 – the portrait –

I stand alone, in an empty room, my gaze missing, my hunger hidden, he paints my curves with delicate lines, my nose demanding attention, the dress dark and wanting against my pale skin waiting to be touched by the maid has she peels me  from…