
languid longing above shoulders bare grasping ornate table to keep herself there sparkle straps chill pale skin clutching dress velvet~hot toes lost in dark shadow fire~red updo hair stares across the abyss i wonder what’s there


All individuals, if remembered, will enter instantaneously into illumination. Traverse the various worlds of existence. The dreamer dies consciously as the guru gives instructions. Hallucinate orgies, experience desire and disgust, float gently with the stream. Plan a session to ask four Classically Hinduism possibilities- the…

Prompt #22 (Ekphrastic j.r.m©)

Deep, Dark, Mysterious her dress hid velvety secrets. Bored out of her mind and out of place nose in the air  her gaze settled  into the distance  on contemplation. Her milky complexion bathed aglow, her auburn tresses neatly tied up in a french bow. Her…

Bedtime Story

“Big as a house it was! I never knew goldfish had teeth Until that moment. I’d gone from predator to prey Diving the depths of that Florida bay. I was but a nibble. The manatee he ate was A much better portion. And that’s how…

Prompt twentytwo

  He watched her but she knew he was there She was no fool to a quick drawn affair A muse she had been Since 14 years old Many an artist painted her bones   But she sought more than a brush could give Playing…


  Alabaster cinched in ebony velvet A golden comb glitters, worked to match jeweled straps Ever patient unruffled she waits Delicate carmine nostrils and lips Never flare or curl But she’s been holding that fan for hours and she Leans on her free hand, fingers…

This is Halloween

my face is lit up like a jack-o- lantern smiling but hollow the insomnia eats my brain my bones creak with every step we   have all the parts we need to make monsters of ourselves


  Red   Red, much red in the green forest. It wasn’t a painter’s watercolour, it was fire, real fire devouring nature.   Animals were fleeing, trees were crying for help and birds sang their last song.   But humans finally appeared and the red…


Rhonda, my love. This dress does you honor. Revealing your soft, alabaster skin The velvet is the perfect foil To you auburn hair. Rhonda, my dear It gives me great pleasure To take you to supper with me Afterwards as we stroll past the shops…

16. By the way

By the way I find a big bag of money Falling from the sky By the way I look up to the clouds In the sky And I say “give me more” and I see a big smile Suddenly, it’s raining Moola and schillings By…