
Clad in a black and Beautiful dress, she waits Her eyes on the door Never wavering till it Opens, revealing at last…. The pizza guy with her order of A double cheese pizza With extra topping And Coco-cola. No dessert though, she’s dieting.

Prompt 22

I envy the black silk That caresses your body Touching you in ways No man could compare.

Strong and Silent

A marvelous artist with a perfect eye captured her better than a photographers’ lens.  Her countenance stood out from the shadows showing the victory over her pain.  Her porcelain skin was flawless and yet looked cold to touch.  She now lived comfortably in her soft, black velvet…

Funhouse Exaggerations

In a caricature of life and all its ambitions, he licked his salted paws and went into the funhouse. There, he found new definitions and parameters in the concave and convex exaggerations.

SoCal Winters

Broken culverts Beneath fallen trees Pushed to a jumble. Steel struts seem to grow Among hemlock And wild watercress. Old concrete On its way to sand. Leap frog! Across New breeding pools Eroded via deluge. We pray for rain, But not all at once.

15. It doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter what you believe As long as you have enough cash And go to the church every Sunday That’s how it is my brother Doesn’t matter what you do As long as you have cash To go along with the ladies And provide…

Poem 22

Hurrying , scurrying In a big blurry furry Racing through the hour Because sleep Humming coming

The Turned Away Lady

Why will she not look at me? With her auburn hair and hidden eyes. She’s just standing there, by the table Her hand resting on its edge. Her golden straps sit smartly Against her fair fair skin. Her sleek black dress fits her form She…


Spider web   A proud spider weaves his web and sits at the centre when it’s finished. Nobody could convince him to give up his web, only the storm or a powerful wind can.   But while his web lasts, he traps all insect inside….