A call of the hour

The call of a lover in shy hour In its delight inhibited tale Calling from its lustful tour Giving a self to sale   Enriching the tenements of a being Elaborating in every steps Much higher echoing of a Being Moving in the communion of…

The Woman in Black

She stands gracefully, with skin ashy white and a dress of darkest black. The stark contrast means little, compared to her sorrowful expression. What is it that has caused her so much pain? Perhaps the black dress is one of mourning. A loved one lost, never…


    the mantle of god has fallen and heaven is beneath us   an angel is wrapped around satan’s hips her wings torn and scattered like rose petals across hotel bedsheets the holy has been fucked dry the water turned to wine so forgive…

hour 21 Purple states

experiencing technical difficulties. The writing is about a scheme to turn California and New York purple by having lodgers in fly-over states move to the coast as lodgers on paper, and swap with folks on the coast. Absentee ballots would then turn the states purple,…

Sleep (2017)

I could use a little sleep right now But I’ve gotta keep pushing on So close to the finish line Just a little bit longer

Notes of love

You made me a song with so many beautiful wors words that just melt my heart for your love

14. Money Note Poet

To write his love journal And his poems He uses banknotes To write short poems He takes 1 dollar notes For the longest The 100 money notes And sell them 10 times What their value says Most of his words Are not readable On the…


I want to be an inchworm, to crinkle my whole body together just to move, to accordion myself just to move. Inch inch. I want to be that green thread thinner than a grain of rice and not much longer. I want the balance to…