Poem no. 20 This

This turning back, unfolding, into yourself; this opening the papyrus uncurling the scroll marked thick and clear with the hieroglyphs of you. This slow easing open like a blossom under a cool spring moon; slipping gently, like liquid birdsong, along branches thick and rich with…


My squeaky clean house Wins all the awards Love every neighbor I gently slam doors (i never tell lies and neither do you) My twenty five cats All tie their own shoes Finish the dishes Then beg me to snooze

Hour 14

I’ve been peculating the parts of you     every evening and storing them   in my soul’s jar   everytime I peek into the jar   The parts of you— diffuse into the gloomy air

Poem 21

Come see me,Am Dancing between sleep and waking Laughing and crying Joy and misery Pain and enthusiasm Light and darkness Sometimes up Sometimes down Dancing between waltz and tango Better be wise And walk straight In middle


Worry   Wondering about tomorrow? What about today? Let’s worry more for the present, not the future!   The present can be or become a blessed present, it depends on us what we do or don’t. How to build a better future?

13. Money is Love

Means moola mazuma munde mundez makwarkwar/mkwanja Oseille Notes nicker nugget Emolument Yen   I S   LDR Old man old lady Vincent very Emportement

Tea with a Tree

Welcome to my secret garden party, Willow. She couldn’t talk back, so she just nodded. i poured tea for two, chamomile and lavender. She glanced over at the wild mint patch. I knew what to do, a leaf or two for each cup. Her long,…

Ode to Sergei Polunin – Hour Twenty One

You alone dance away our collective sin A modern day deity of Ukranian origin, Who can walk on air not merely water, For whom a thousand sacrifices freshly slaughtered, On the alter of your holy martered feet, Could not begin to make this act of worship complete –…

Sleeping with Stars

Sleep? Why is it  hard? tired I be, sick and fed up.   Insomnia they say here full of thoughts, I crave for the dark.   The stars are my friends the night won’t pretend, our mutual love.   Heavy eyes set the sun is…