The Road to Infinity

A tiny dot on a piece of paper. Too much for one small body’s initiation Into the acidic abyss So, he cut it in half, twice. It would have been a bad trip. The bowl glowed with embers Burning like a red star in some…

So Not Nocturnal (21st Hour)

I am not here I am not there At this point, my brain feels like it’s going no where I’m too groggy to think Too tired to care I just want my bed and pillow The hell with the end zone My soul, however, wants…

From A Boys Eyes

I strolled along a crooked road, the journey was so long. I had to pack for 30 days and sang a month of songs. The trees were all so very tall. The sun, it shone so bright. I wasn’t sure I would be found again…

The Elephant in the Room

Silence fills the Courtroom Pregnant with expectation The question has been asked Everyone poised, waiting Waiting for the response. I swear, I take this solemn vow Every word I say is true Though difficult to believe Believe it you must. I speak nothing but the…

Lay Your Hand On Me…

Dearest Darling Being,   We fight a lot yet never speak Let’s agree to disagree Stick to facts You don’t like me. All in my head My imagination hates me too Gotta grow up sometime I got it all outta my System.Get a life they…

None are Astonishing

Stupendous life Stupendous speech Greatest person Greatest ever None larger None greater Fantastic leader Fantastic scammer Gigantic lead Gigantic ego Largest ever Largest pecker Humongous fleet Humongous feet Exalted leader Exalted one Magnificent performer Magnificent informer Triumphant winner Triumphant whiner Massive army Massive baby Monumental…

Hour 21: Step Up!

Step Up! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step It isn’t really that first step that’s the problem We all take a few steps now and then But with 5, 279, 998 more feet to go You are looking at over…

Poem no. 19 Lost. In Space.

I hadn’t noticed it before but now I do; this space between us may be tiny – but it’s grown and it’s definitely there. I reached out for your hand some days ago – do you remember? – and found (to my surprise) my fingers…


truly   there is no way, in a million years, there is enough money to fill my empty pockets. I could eat ten thousand tables worth of feasts for the hungry before I am sated.   seven great lakes are not enough to quench my…