Un Natural

Visiting a city you once knew can be daunting the familiar still nearly so but so much has changed the wild edges of town we traversed as kids, tamed the only thing wild is the buffalo wing restaurant Tall grasses near the reservoir man-made lake…

Poem no. 18 Evening Fog

October is the month the mists draw in. These calm and freshly silent mornings settle summer and draw reluctant autumn to our door. The evening fog falls low on crop-shorn fields as rolls of rich, mysterious white seep through the emptying hedges and fall in…


A small departure for a bigger adventure The horizon fades Tiny pockets filled her choice of stones or liquor Sink, float, swallow, gasp

Hour 20 Eaters

20 2017 Eaters by Paul Robert Sanford Tortoise eats cactus Cactus shelters bird from snake Ant eats them all.

fake news

We have a pussy.  You can usually find her in the barn.   She hunts mice, bothers raccoons, but leaves the chickens alone.   We have a cock.  He also lives in the barn.   He’s our only one.  He struts his stuff.   We’ve noticed he has…

Hour 20: Reclaimed Wreckage

Racing for the sunlight quicker Growing thicker Saplings reaching Send roots leeching Strangling the clockwork functions Green expunctions Cogs have rusted Engines busted Forest once a metal garden Nature’s pardon Oxidizing Fertilizing (In response to Prompt #20… though it was no deviation from my usual…


The actors rise in pairs. An executioner stands with his back to the victim. The audience participates in The Rite of Universal Intercourse. I am not allowed. I am not allowed! I am not allowed? (to- smoke marijuana, take my clothes off, travel without a…