Hour 21

24 Hours Is A Lot The day had yet to ever stop It seems like I will never sleep My eyelids weigh more than barbells And my body want’s to relax My head is full of thoughts of sleep

Hour 14 Words again

Frogs jump in joy as the rain leaves drops of nature for them to breed. Evenings be filled with laziness dipped in coffee Tomatoes are to ditch in a bowl of soup for the noodles to finds its place Jars kept open to be filled…

Darkness Descends

Terror reigns in my mind. Fear grips my heart. There’s an enemy in every shadow. Yet I’m all alone here in the dark. I try to run as fast I can, Footsteps are pounding in my ears. I trip and fall and bang my knee,…

Community Effort – (Based on a True Story) Hour Twenty

Mr Free Cannabis – a name granted to him by the poll of deeds, Tricked the council into watering cannabis plants for twenty years After a community effort to contribute seeds, And give them a new home inside his shop display Which comprised Of a bicycle…

The Vine (2017)

It creeps up the brick Ever reaching for the sky Sprouting from A mere crack in the concrete It continues to grow To cling to the red stones Time passes and its leaves Now cover the windows No one has lived there in years So…

Hour 20–Contact

I clipped my nails outside on the patio as was my practice where flagstone would catch them and dust to dust would return to the earth some of my molecules preceding the larger wholeness of me   I brushed my jeans checked my shoes and…

Hour 20

The Trail My steps echo off the trail As I lose myself to birds chirping My eyes follow the edge of the trail As it moves into lush grass Then tall trees standing firm Even with the trails invasion of man-made Nature is still standing…

Breakfast with Hades (2017)

7:30 am. Something must be wrong. This is so out of character, Against routine. She enters the restaurant And greets the hostess. “Table for two,” she tells her “My party should be here soon.” “Oh,” the hostess remarks “Do you mean that gentleman?” She follows…

Nature and Man

Poem 20 Nature and Man   Skipping across smooth tiles like an ordinary day outside amongst the trees and blades of grass This black bird didn’t care about mall rules and people staring at his brassiness and skill thinking how the hell did he get…