Magic of Summer Nights

In between the cracked concrete and the burnt out lights, our feet meet.  Whispered secrets, poetry, notebooks passed between you and me.  Nights spent sitting curbside, drawn together magnetically, fire sparking, chemistry. 

Always There, Often Ignored

Sometimes, That TOUCH heals all the wounds… And soothes the soul That LOOK has all my answers… And the sorrows disappear That SOUND calms me down… And only heartbeats are heard Words are forgotten, And only the language of SILENCE is spoken! Power of it…

You Need Not Be Smart My Love

  You need not be smart my love, you need not be smart You already have my heart, you need not be smart You need no extra wisdom For love itself is wisdom, I mean the highest wisdom Your friends may say no That I…

I AM…(H1)

how odd it is to me you think i am what you think i am no more no less as if to defy laws of physics or california or whose ever laws those are that say it is what it is which I’ve never understood…

Seeds of Promise

I see the promise has been kept– The seeds have turned to bloom. Early planted, in the spring, Too much rain, I feared, had doomed.   But soon the sprouts broke through the soil, Then taller, grew each day. And now, a rainbow shines among…

Home (hour 3)

Heavy rock guitar strains on a $5 speaker three floors down. Smogged marijuana smoke clouds drift higher than my neighbors. Cumin and garlic marinate this entire apartment complex. Little clacks from this keyboard make my dog’s ears shift. Russian, African America, Middle Eastern, and me….

The refuse of our insatiable need

We make so much ado about our stuff  I need that.  she said  I want that.  he said  I’ll have that.  they said… Bags and bins in piles of piles and dumpsters and pods and piles and piles and more piles of shit but in…

(Hour 03) 12.30-01.30am. PROMPT, walk & talk

post mid night walk the thermometer’s reluctantly stuck at 2.9° wishing it were inside (as do i) breath polar bears toes wet lungs yellow halfmoon stars dead tree silhouettes empty heart aches like a mime alone without wind with out their — trapped in an…

Poo Kitty

New kitty, poo kitty Poo, poo, poo Don’t play in poo kitty Eww, kitty, eww You kitty, poo kitty No, no, no Icky kitty, city kitty Out you go!

Not Going for A Walk

I’m comfortable. In my bed. Gah. I’ve seen this Mickey Mouse cartoon so many times- I know each line word for word. The three year old is jumping… ON MY BED… and I’ve given him the look 75 billion and a half times. He is…