Not Meant to Be

Space is ever-expanding, always holding more and more mysteries to explore and analyze.
But there might be areas of that endless expanse where Mortals were never meant to trod.
Places whose very existence or site would burn through their souls,
Corrupting their very existence,
And transforming them into unnatural beings that strayed from an evolutionary path that had been specified in genomes and DNA.
Darkness from that cold vacuum of space would seep in and infect beings that were never made to stray too far from their sun,
Who thrive on warmth and Light,
Kline its way into them and altering them to be unrecognizable and horrific.
So maybe the gimmick of exploration and Discovery past the eye, and telescopes, and space shuttles can see was never meant to extend so far.
Maybe Darkness shouldn’t be left alone, to hold its own dominion, over its own patch of space.

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