Hour 19: A Snapshot of Me

Through the years I have been many things
A child, teenager, adult, daughter, sister, mother.
As time has passed, I have dipped my hand into
Many different tasks, learning from each.
I have worked hard to make others comfortable
Using my voice and gentle wit. On the other hand,
I tend to keep to myself, only the thoughts in my head.
If someone were to see me, they would see
A sense of humour, laughter, a touch of weariness in the eyes.
Mixed in with the slight weariness is a gleaming light
A light that shines out to make others smile.
For ten months out of my year, I work with kiddos
Who need that little extra to be set up for success.
I block and laugh and cry a little, as I see them struggle
I cry a little more as I see them succeed. With each syllable
That flies from their mouth, my heart overflows a bit more.

One thought on “Hour 19: A Snapshot of Me

  1. Once again…I see you, sister! In my 20 years as a teacher, 15 of them was working as a support (“special education”) teacher. How you share the tears of joy at the successes of those learning spirits speaks to me so deeply. Your words clearly reveal the ways in which the children and youth have transformed you.

    I have come to learn that they choose us because they see that we will love them no matter what. Your work reveals that they have chosen wisely. Thank you so much for sharing that loving spirit with us.

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