Should Have Married the Music Man

True love never dies and so my light
burns everlasting for you, my one love.

Did you love me?

Oh, how I loved you.

I know I loved you, music man,
thirty years hence in my dreams.

Do you think of me?

Each day you cross my mind.

Three guitars I never play,
remembering instead your kiss.

Did you want me?

I never wanted you.

Not like that, the way one wants a toy.
I need you now, the way one needs to breathe.

Would we have married?

I wish it could have been.

Oh, love of my life, I wish I had said yes
when you asked if I’d thought of marriage.

Am I still in your heart?

Three decades I have with you in mine.

You’re 67 now. 68 this year. 70 in ’23. We’re old.
We’re gray. Stiffening muscles when we awake.

Would we have survived them?

I fear them to this day, yet regret saying no beneath their darkness.

Insanity, my love, kept us apart. That pit of snakes from which I escaped.
They would have bitten you, too, in their vastly evil ways.

Will we have another life?

Yes, I know we will.

When all else is gone, and this world has ended, three things remain:
Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

You will wait for me at the light.

And, I will always love you.

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