Poem #2 Prompt #2 Jumping For Joy-Recipe by Ingrid Exner

Recipe for Jumping For Joy

  1. Humour
  2. Smile
  3. Child-like Glee
  4. Humility
  5.  Sun

Measure out 3 cups of humour and pour  into a large mixing  bowl ( container of you.)  Add a handful of smiles. Fold in 1 cup child-like glee and mix well to form a paste. Sprinkle in 2 tablespoons  of humility. Lastly, add Sun to taste. Bake until golden and delicious!


Ingrid Exner, Poetry Half Marathon 2020

2 thoughts on “Poem #2 Prompt #2 Jumping For Joy-Recipe by Ingrid Exner

  1. Recipe for Jumping For Joy
    [is right here speaking to you]

    One: Humour
    Two: Smile
    Three: Child-like Glee
    Four: Humility
    Five: Sun

    Measure out three cups of humour
    and pour into a large mixing bowl of you.
    Add a handful of smiles.
    Fold in one cup child-like glee
    and mix well to form a paste.
    Sprinkle in two tablespoons of humility.
    Lastly, add Sun to taste.
    Bake until golden and delicious!

    My Note: I may have rewritten the poem as above, if I had the chance.
    It’s a poetic experiment that gushes out lovely imagery.

  2. Thank you Ofuma! This poem came very quickly to mind and was written in about 10 minutes. At that time in the half marathon, I was trying to pace myself. It was pure inspiration and basically wrote itself. In looking back at it, it gives me great joy and makes me smile. Thanks for your beautiful comments.

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