Hour seventeen

I lost my shoe,
my new shoe, never worn just in the shop,
how did i manage that,
did i just take one out of the box
and then walk away
did the shop just let me go with on shoe in the box.

I lost my bearing
in the woods,
had gone with my friends and then somehow,
they were gone,
where are they?
i call out, no answer,
I will just keep here on the straight and narrow path.

I lost the light,
my flat is dark and really dark at night,
just in the day time it is nice
and on a sunny day i get a lot of light.
I can pay my electricity
my shower is cold,
my food is cold too.

I lost you,
there was a message stuck to my door,
could i call back
the police station.
With a message for newly bereaved.
I kept the key in my hand and never went back in.


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