Double Star (3rd hour 2020)

I traveled through the phases of the moon just to be with you

Sorted myself through the stars and the zodiacs as Orion tried to trap me with his belt

And Scorpio does what it must as it thrusted its stinger at my heart

Cupid wanted no part in this

He turned with his wings and flew beyond the Celestial bliss

I wrangled Taurus down to the asterism of the big dipper and we both drowned our sorrows there

Like all things, this infuriated Aries

He rammed his head into my body and pushed me out of my melancholy

The apathetic Libra just laughed

While the conjoined twins of drama and comedy pulled me apart

and flung pieces of me to the limb

The gentle maiden of the Equinox gathered my remains

and sewn me back together using her grains

Aquarius and Pieces stood by and shooed the crab and lion away from my still life

While a sure-footed goat with a fish tail opened my eyes

Bailey’s Beads was but a touch nearby

Where our love and embraces became lies

I thought to wrong some rights and set my sights to go

and braced myself upon the archer’s arrow as he pulled back his bow

I traveled through the constellations for me

In that century, I knew of physical pain

But there was far more torture when your love pulled away

Star-crossed lovers, binary as we could be

Now each of us plummeting in our own galaxies




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