Just when his ear
Catches the waves of the cock crow
He wakes up sparing his teeth
He walks from afar on the street
Just when he’s sacked from a wooden piece

”Eno be now oo” Is the term
Sun shines,rain falls
Yet his coins he holds firm
He gathers ’em like the weeds
But the owner comes for it in turn

Tears drop and fast dry
Lice lick his intestines
All energy now fly
But changing positions of people’s assets
He never tried

His sweats fall on leafless tree
And his water is bitter like the ”nim-tree”

He receives the best of promises
Yet same heartache he feels
The same yam he peels
But wait! He’s got a wall to lean
Yes! No matter what he feels–a day shall pay!
”The MAKER heals”

(Kofi Acquah)

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