
cupping his soft face
while he stares at me
with eyes kind as green
ears and nose blushed
he need not speak words
–he knows me.

as i leave, he mourns
as i arrive, he sprints
as i rise, he jumps
as i lay, he plops
and becomes the most beloved
Scarf i’ve ever worn.

my tiny friend
who grows heavier each day
louder by the hour
softer each night
i want to give you
the world you think of

when you gaze towards the ceiling and purr
while i kiss your little forehead.

2 thoughts on “tabby

  1. Clearly the poet loves the kitty. I really like the “as I” stanza. the kitty is responsible to the owner. Or, is it that cats own the person and the person is responsive? I don’t know.

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