Understanding Goodbye (hour 4 prompt 4)

You were so much more than your ending

But that was long ago

Long before your alcoholic demons took your soul

Long before you lost yourself to the bottom of the wells

Long before we hit this fucking town that I call Hell

You used to be a fighter, and a father, and a man

You used to be my husband, my lover, my best friend

Then alcohol, it changed you

Like Jekyll into Hyde

When I saw this day was coming

I left you, and I cried

I should’ve left the first time Hyde put your hands on me

I should’ve left the first time you caused me to bleed

I tried so hard to save you, did everything I could

I hope at least some part of you inside understood

I hope you’ve finally found the peace you never really found

In the bottom of the bottle that you built your life around

I hope that it was painless when the angels took you home

And I hope you finally understand just why I had to go.

~Mandy KocsisĀ©2020~

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