Recipe for Heartbreak (Perfected Through Time)

The days of youth run rampant and warm
Through the life of a woman like me –
Full of blue skies and dingy-grey seas
Warm sands stolen by waves from my feet

Give me a night of surprise, of pleasant wonder
Give me days full of anxiety
And remind me, always, to never give up
That, one day, Mr. Right will come to find me

Give me man after man, broken and worn
By scarred and broken women
Let me give them love and understanding
Compassion, truth — and then….

Kiss me until my mind goes numb
Caress me until I find the peace I need
Hold me close; make me feel safe
Give me an uncommon sense of security

Let me fall in wonder at how well we bond
Let me almost fall in love
Let me share with you my darkest fears
Let me close — and be sure to shove

Me quickly away, just as soon as you feel
A single pulse of your heart beating strong
Just as soon as you feel some fear
You might win me, please be sure I’m well and gone

Because: Gods help us if you might stay
Hell and angels will damn us forever
Should we enjoy more than a single day
Should we dare to stay together

And be sure to remind me that you’re looking for love
Since I’m sure not to know what that means
Since a long-term relationship could never begin
With such a plethora of near-perfect things

Be sure to set aside all of our common interests
Be sure to deny our attraction
And, above all, deny sex and lust
Since it’s sure to be the worst kind of distraction

Go far, far, far away
Make sure that we’re not friends, even
Because, F.F.S., how could love ever come
From a friendship one might believe in?

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