You were my shield
You were my story teller
You were my friend
You were my disciplinary
You were my sun
You were my moon
You were my wind
You were my rain
You never left me

You no longer around me
But you planted a seed in me
The turn me strong.
You gave me strength right
from the start.
You gave me confidence,
You thought to be independent and to have self confidence.
You thought me to see the world with new eyes.
You turn my negative into a positive.
You are my light when my life becomes dark.
Your prayers crossed ocean and reach me with blessing.
You gave me a fresh start.
You are the hero of myself love and independent.
Your sacrifices gave me a chance for a family of my own in a new land
Far away from home.
You’re my foundation
Your the roots of my family three.
Your DNA is my oxygen.
Your love gives me strength
They say you are delusional,
I say you are no longer cage in your brain. You are sensitive to your spirit and free at last.
I love you truly my dear
And I carry you in my soul just
like a tattoo.
I always have you
Grandma, just like a tattoo
—Meriyen Marquez Guerra Chavez

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