I Have A Plan For Us – Hour 5, Prompt 5

I have a plan for us.
When the sun sets and all is quiet
We’ll steal a boat and sail uponĀ  the lake
We’ll bring a lantern a blanket, and ourselves
and lay looking up at the stars in its hull.
“I have a plan for us,” I’ll whisper,
and you’ll be none the wiser,
that this plan is already in motion.
“Take my hand, and you can join me in the stars,”
You’ll look over and giggle, but I’ll mean it.
We can go anywhere in the world together,
but we’ll need to do it tonight.
And if the sun rises and the boat is empty
I’ll know that you love me
As much as I love you, the stars, and the universe.
But if it rises and we’re still there, I’ll know
that not all love is the kind I hold in my heart
for you, who makes me want to be human.
And that’s okay.
No matter how you answer,
I have a plan for us.

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