Need you tonight (INXS)

This song was the 80’s version of a holla

nowaday, you just ask for a phone number

he was asking for a dance


First appearing on screen with

medium length

Messy hair

Wearing a half zipped leather jacket

his bare chest out

This video was a simple journey

Of cool


all standing band members in the back

rocking with keyboards,

electric guitars strapped

While he sang


Folded arms

and body movements

About his kind of woman


Instructing her to slide next to him

Not once seeing her dance

but back then I guess she didn’t have to


this song wasn’t tough

just flirtatious

the kind you would play at a pizza

and beer party with friends

while you dance with the one

you want to get next to


This kind of fun

Is my idea of the 80’s

carefree and wild


Hour 24

Well, I made it. Even if that meant operating at a fraction of my capacity.

I’ll definitely be revisiting this last one… It needs more. But it’s the most I can manage at this point.

Congratulations Marathoners!

17. “The land knows you , even when you are lost.”

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.”

She sends you messages in the dreams that you have as you sleep.

The land is neither male nor female, yet she feels like a mother to you.

Her heart is strong.

She tries to lead you to rivers and tributaries that connect to the sea.

Her mind is curious as can be.

She teaches you to follow Orion in the sky.

Find your compass like the birds and butterflies who fly.

Finding their way home

Like you who will never be truly lost.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

(Hour 23) 20.30pm-21.30pm. PROMPT, childhood

remembering the not-so-old days

They fought a lot.
We knew that.
We always thought
fighting & staying together
was better than ]\\\\ Separating.
So many of our friends
endured steps. It didn’t seem
worth it. Now I’m not so sure.

To be honest
I haven’t really thought
much about dad’s “status”.
I’ll survive with him or not.
It’s mum I’ll always miss.

Rueben tried to play
peacemaker tag.
Always putting himself
in the middle of their arguments
in the hope it might end them.

He was too little to realise.

Weird. For me it’s the reverse
Mum took off when I was two
so my memory of her
is somewhere between
next to nothing
& absolute zero.

Dad worked in the garage
Long hours. Long long hours.
Whether because there was
so much work or simply
avoiding me, I’ll never know.

It was my granny who basically
brought me up. Took me to sport,
watched me play, helped with homework,
even with girlfriend troubles eventually.
All that stuff. Taught me to cook too.
She was an excellent chef.

Awww now you’re just teasing me.
But yes, I’m pretty good in a kitchen.



14. Help Yourself

A message to me:

You know what triggers.

You know what inspires.

Stop before it gets too late.

Fresh fruits and plenty of sleep.

Fasting is not recommended unless its intermittent.

Music is a must.

Who else can you trust?

Cleaning is a necessary.

Organization can be a fuss.

Rest too is a delicate balance you must create.

You know what is needed.

Why do we do the opposite of what we need?

Answer this with your heart and you will finally accomplish the deed.

The Terrible Ghost

I’m being haunted by a terrible ghost

It keeps me awake knocking on my bedpost

I’ve tried to be a patient host

I’ve even tried raising a midnight toast

But the phantom returns every night to boast


This terrible ghost is always there

Making sure my flaws are laid bare

It fixes me with a judgemental glare

I wish its ghastly sheet would tear

Because it has given me an awful scare


That terrible ghost drags across the floor

Making sure that I don’t have to snore

I’ve never been so afraid before

Keeping it company has become quite a chore

I just don’t think I can take it anymore


You terrible ghost it is time to pack your bag

Tear your sheet and make a white flag

Your haunting days have hit a snag

Get moving you ghoul no time to drag

And don’t expect anything from me in your mailbag


Goodbye terrible ghost, again I say adieu

Running you off has been a breakthrough

You aren’t around to let my failures accrue

Even at your worst I found a way to push through

I feel so alive, fresh and brand new








Don’t Stop Beliven’

Rise up,rise up,rise up.

It’s true,
we are losing love,
we are failing words,
we are cheating ourselves,
we are competing for stupid ends.

Let’s reaffirm our faith,
once again,with bonds of love.
Let’s redraw our boundaries,
once again,with the ink of fraternity.

Let’s believe this prayer,
once again,with love and without doubt,
“Make our world one,make us one.”