24 – Morning

Morning. My hands are cramped around this pen. My eyes are blurred and weary. I am tired and achy, but changed.

Dad came, Giraffe is here. I poured it all out. Thank you, Ernest. You taught me that… to pour it out, to leave nothing off the page, to leave no blood for the heart.

I did that.

I screamed. I cried. I sobbed. I had silent conversations with my mother. I had louder silent conversations with my daughter.

I grieved.

…and Cameron stayed with me through the whole journey, checking, and rechecking me, bringing water,  snacks, and tissues, rubbing my hands and wrists and fingers. He is my constant. He always will be.

Morning, and I am huddled with my core at Our Fire. I am safe, and I am loved. I will Run Along the Ecliptic, and call the night, to end this very, very long day.

What the World Needs Now

What the World Needs Now


There’s only one thing lacking,

Anywhere you go.

There’s only one thing missing,

Don’t you know.


Famine and drought and pestilence,

Crime and drugs and need.

Anywhere we look on Earth,

There’s poverty, hunger, and greed.


So many, many problems.

Is there anything to do?

I hold that one solution

Would make the world like new.


If we could love each other,

We’d come up with a way

To fix the other problems.

It might only take a day.


If we had love, respect and love

For people everywhere,

There’d be enough to go around,

For folks would want to share.


What the world needs now

Is love, sweet love.

That’s the only thing

There’s just too little of.






A Few Memories (prompt 29, Hour 23)

Born in my parents’ hometown.
April is the month of bluebonnets.Many pictures of Mom in bluebonnet fields,
None of me. My Mamaw lived there, and she loved me.

We were poor. We moved a lot, but it wasn’t hard.
We spent most weekends camping and fishing on the beach.
I am confident and unafraid.
My third grade teacher saw me for the genius I am
And put me in charge of things.
I liked being in charge of things.

Dad drank and smoked. He worked evenings
and weekends. He started taking his frustrations out on me
with his hand, switch or belt. I couldn’t protect the others.
They got it, too. But I was the main target.
It wasn’t tough love, it was meanness born of frustration.
But it hurt the same, regardless of the name.


Music saved me. I was good at it. My heart soared.
I played in the orchestra, I played in the band.
In high school I was a majorette and Drum Major.
Those are high profile jobs in Texas schools.
Life was finally tipping my way!


My sisters are better with remembering
family stories and names. I can meet a stranger briefly
and remember their name a year later. But I can’t remember
who went to the beach that time we had a singalong, or
what everyone ate at Dad’s favorite restaurant on
some anniversary or birthday. Does it really matter?
My sisters and my mother can! That’s enough.


The day I learned to diagram sentences was the day I knew
one day I would write. Mrs. Raley stood there, holding her chalk,
talking about predicate adjectives, and suddenly a veil dropped.
I understood parts of speech and how they depend upon each other.
I still remember how it felt to know that I knew. I knew English.
I really knew it. No one could ever take that away from me.

#1 on the charts december 24, 1977 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE by the BeeGees

How deep is your love?

Have you ever been lost before?

How deep is your love?

Have you ever had a friend that didn’t call you crazy?

How deep is your love?

When you cry what do you release or fight to hold on?

How deep is your love?

When you laugh, is it happiest alone or with others?

How deep is your love?

If tomorrow we never meet, would you still think of me?

How deep is your love?

On your back, look up at the stars or day dreaming?

How deep is your love?

Take my hand and walk with me, speaking softly of our yesterdays?

How deep is your Love?

Grow old and die with me; only in your eyes I see, how deep is your love.

Hour 24, Never Say Goodbye

Cliques, athletes, and loners
brains, jocks, and losers,
when graduation came
we were all the same.

After years of segregating
splitting and separating,
at the very end
we all blended again.

Yet the day finally came
and away we all went,
despite our graduation theme
our time was spent.

Paul joined the Army,
I went to university,
he sustained unknown injury,
I endured first marriage misery.

Decades later
Facebook brought us together
our love came
full circle again.

Never Say Goodbye, Jon Bon Jovi

Livin’ On A Prayer (Bon Jovi)

Livin’ on a prayer

To die for, to live for

Isn’t it a question of whom?

We all know we move towards death

Yet we crave for life

The longer the better

It’s a funny equation you see

Guns or roses?

Can we make a difference like this?

Yes, for love we’ll pray

Yes, for peace we’ll pray

We‘ll live on a prayer a day

We’ll live on a prayer a day


Hour 24


All Night Long, Hour 24

Attention muses on 3rd shift,
My sanity is slipping
Inspiration fades into the mundane

Brain sweats
In search of lost momentum
Meaning of the words are all the same

Sleep deprived and nonsensical
The Muses must think I’m mental

Too tired to ressurect rationality’s remains

10. Early


A state of being filled with anticipation at its best. 

As a writer our minds can peruse the sites without contest.

Magazines, children’s books, paintings, flowers, plants, people watching…


Being early is a state of being that is elusive to me, yet when I get there, once in a great blue moon, it’s a place that fills my heart space with peace.

Deep down in my heart I know  this is a place I can be, but for me it is as elusive as the butterfly.

When it lands on my shoulder and I rest in this space of early, it feels so good and so free.

A place where we can all be what we were meant to be.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

Me and myself

I am kindness, but I can become fury.

I am a fairy, but also a dragon spitting fire.

I am a mixture of light and shadows

And my heart is so full of rainbows.