24 – rebel yell

she ran when others walked,

she danced alone, a storm on the dance floor

she was more than rebel, she was the wind

a wild flower, expelling her seeds to roam the earth

an ocean wrapped in skin

let the world try to define her,

to box her

civilisation was a prison

she walked out of.

Another one bites the dust

been to this juncture three times before.

Never with the boost of so many prompts

my friends think I’m crazy but I love to write

poetry is never as good as when completely spontaneous.

But I love this time every year.

Bleary eyed and wiped I roll over one more time on the alarm clock

this time, knowing it’s the last one this 24 hours, I struggle to find any inspiration

missed a couple in the middle of the night hours

had to catch up

falling asleep as I typed

words come words go but hearts stay open

Caitlin and Jacob hold us in a perfect container

And another one down and another one down

we did it

21. Dear Future Love

Dear Future Love,


I can’t believe I have finally met you. 

You came into my life in a flash of ultraviolet light.

As fresh and as fine as I can imagine. 


You are kinder than I envisioned.

Smart and funny on the outside and deep on the inside.

Just how I like it.


Your patience is grounding.

Yet, I know it may be growing thinner with me.

It is more than a gift that your interest never wanes.


Two balls of energy that reinvigorate each other.

Your sense of humor is like a badge you wear for all to share.

It is as open and as inviting you make everyone feel.


You evoke a sense of home no matter where we go.

Your heart and your chest call me home to rest.

Even when I may not know the place.


You make everyone feel at home, not just me.

You came into my life out of the blue. 

If I I had not invited you in to help me move my books before the rain,

I don’t know if I would’ve ever be the same. 


On that rainy day,I found fresh fruit to share with you. 

My shoulders were bare and my heart was open. 

Unbeknownst to me, my heart was shifting too.


You changed everything I believed in about love.

I knew not how to “think”, all I could do was “feel”.

I felt your heart, and I was not ever the same.


You sing without regret.

Spit lyrics and their meanings without hesitation.

With or without music when I’m near

I feel the rhythm of your vibe.


You pull me close, showing me what it’s like to be alive.

Every day and every night you bless me with more than a kiss.

We pray we cook, we dance, we play, and we continue to grow.


I’m so grateful you are no longer just a dream.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover


Seeds were planted deep beneath the surface.

Created to produce the bitter with sweet.

Flourishing while nourishing our bodies from the heat.

Sometimes its strange fruit was wonderful and unique.

But the blackness in their eyes would not let it be.


Dollars were created to systemize the poor from the wealthy.

Paper used to produce a new pair of shoes or remind us of the cost of food.

Sometimes its strange fruit was impactful and full of greed.

The blackness in their eyes became blind and numb

to what our president has become.


Prophets and gods were idolized to determine the value of human worth.

Manifesting a life and immortalizing a death all in the same breath.

Sometimes its strange fruit was full of awe and fear.

The blackness in their eyes kept the truth hidden for thousands of years.

Full basket

Full basket


September puppy

Waiting to be born


All my eggs

In this basket



Wags and kisses


Coming home



Leaning in to

My sad stories


Laughing at

The same jokes


Big pressure

For a little guy



TobeTT  #23

My Mystery

Meeting you was a joy.
A heart, a smile, laughter,
And peace.
Pushed away,
By you.

You understood my dark
And sent me joy to
Help me survive.

We weren’t what we could be
But we what we needed to be.

One day, we can be more
But for now, we are memes,
Gifs, videos, and pics.
We are more than the texts and
We are vast,
Like the universe.
A mystery.


When I was young

I would hide

Submerge myself fully underwater

Eyes closed

Only my gentle exhale keeps me company

A secret joy

In knowing

I am sequestered from the world

Sweet Dreams (Poem #24)

Sweet Dreams

My sweet darling

I love you so

Sweet dreams

Hear my whispers fade

Feel my hand reach for yours

Sweet dreams

This time was fun

But it is time to go

Sweet dreams

Sleep is calling

My eyes are closing

It’s time for bed

Just one more kiss

Don’t forget to stop

and breathe

Sweet dreams

Hour 24: The Park

The park was filled with laughter

Shouts and feet running in time together

The swings making soft squeaks

The chains needs a drop or two of oil

The slide smooth and fast

Making you feel like flying

Now thought the swings have rusted

Barely able to move in the breeze

The slide falling apart

Half on the ground

There are only whispers heard here

From the adults who wish to be young again


Woot finished!!! That is poem 24!! So I did sleep a little more than planned at one point but I still made it through on time!! So I’m very proud of myself. And of everyone else who had done the full or half marathon!!!