Prompt 30/HR 24- I want you… to want me!

There you were across the way
Eyes of silver, skin dark grey
A green/black shirt on a blue/brown skirt
And hair down to your needs
The sharpest violet you’ve ever seen

Whether by chance or by fate
Our eyes met and you smiled
My heart skipped a beat and
I attempted to meet you
Then your friends whisked you away

I saw you much later that very same day
In a pink argyle sweater and shoes out of suede
I was ready this time to introduce myself
Instead, I stubbed my toe on your mom’s bookshelf

When we finally did me you were underwhelmed
I knew I had to change
Become more interesting
Extend my personal range
All I knew was what was true

I wanted you to want me
In fact I still do.

Writing to myself

Dear Simona,


Please tell me that you changed something,

That you want to fight and overcome any situation,

That you are self-confident and ready for life!

By the way, do you still love classical music?


Your older version

I Will Survive

So many times throughout my life, I’ve been the underdog;

Problems plagued my efforts, causing me to work through fog.

But at my core, I had the motivation to do my best;

That, along with mentors–strong, was enough to pass the test.

As I grew into the woman I was meant to be,

Some recognized that I had leadership abilities;

Me, a leader, really; There must be some big mistake.

But a leader I became, and my insecurities I forsake.

So many times it takes a while to see a flower bloom,

But don’t give up, keep watering, and it will blossom soon.

Total Eclipse of the Heart

A darkness crossed over my heart
more than once.
No crowds gathered to see it.

I had always been told
that the dark would pass.
But I never chose to believe it.

When the light returned
my heart felt burned
from adjusting back to its brightness.

Like a total eclipse
it was only a blip
my heart again emanates lightness.

With a rebel yell….prompt whatever for hour 24!

80s tunes were all about punk…no rock anthems here.


from the first sound of feedback,

my career started like that Billy Idol tune about

dangerous liaisons with

dangerous broads from parts of town no one wanted to see:



and a little arrogant.

fist in the air for strength and power

for those who could not speak truth to power

to teach them how to speak truth to power

so I didn’t have to keep doing it for them…

“teach a kid to fish,” and all that.


turns out

all that rebel yelling

is helpful…

even if it irritates the ones around me who do not want to see

the youth around them…or anything beyond the tips of their noses.

for them, I have saved my favorite gesture…

(c) r.l. elke

Like A Weed


Born under the sun of the blazing Arizona sky

So young was my mom, I never asked why.

My grandpa made jewelry of coral and turquois

I modeled them without a care, I hadn’t noticed boys!



Then to Colorado,

the place that I call home

I’ve lived there and left there

but always returned from wherever we’d roam.



On to Oklahoma for bible school they said

Sisters, work, and twisters

and a boyfriend,

Graduation in my head



It seems I’ve skipped some pieces

of my childhood so fast

The wonder years and innocence,

they just never last.



Legos and Barbie’s, and Tonka trucks, it’s true,

were some of my favorite playthings,

Books ranked high up there too

but my child, the poem is over

those toys, now belong to you!







We are the Champions

We are the champions
Pop rock anthem
Pop rock life
Victory and celebration
We made it
We give light
We give sound
We are the artists
We are the starters
We are the few
Brave enough to believe
That anything we can do
Blazing sights
And blare the sound
We came we saw we conquered
Indomitable spirit found
And kindness
Of peace
And souls
Of freedom
That never get old
We will be the ones
Of which the stories will be told
Because we write them
We decide
To be living bold
Now after completing this marathon of poetry
Indeed there is a champion that lives inside you and me
That’s write!

This is it-I think

It’s been one hell of an interesting night

sleepless night

laughed filled night

watching the stars fill the sky

the moon rising high, weaving between the clouds

The night turned into dawn

You know, it’s true, what they say,

its darkest before dawn

but only those who have stayed awake

and watched day turn into night

could attest these truths

Only the mad, Poets, artists and drunks

stay awake this long for their art

what I mess I’ll say

after I read through the disasters ive written

words tosses, strewn about

haphazardly thrown on to the page

what a mess I’ll think

but for now, I’ll write this last poem

and smile

thinking of the past 24 hours


9. A Prose Poem Inspired by “Quicksand“by Nella Larson 

A Prose Poem Inspired by “Quicksand“by Nella Larson 

(A first line too sad to add. Might I choose the second.)

“Last and hardly had she left her bed and become able to walk again without pain hardly have the children return from the homes of the neighbors where she began to have her fifth child.

Grace, Hope, Faith, Destiny, and finally Joy, her fifth and final child would be born on the summer solstice.  

Her last baby girl  born at home in the arms of a midwife. 

Joy was her precious miracle child, born on an auspicious day. 

Also a new moon, when the tides were low, long before the pregnant strawberry full moon came to term. 

She had blue violet eyes unlike her siblings who all had chocolate hued irises to match, truffle, caramel ,hazel flecked with sunflower gold & green and, blackberry brown, a pool of midnight unlike Joy ,who was born with an entirely different. hue. 

She was born in a veil.

She was born in the amniotic sac in tact. Her tiny palms as fine as the Japanese maple in new bloom of the early spring.

She was tiny and as perfect as  a grain of rice. She had a birthmark unlike the others.

Unlike the distinctive port wine stain of her second oldest sister Hope, or the freckles of the oldest, Grace she had a tear shaped like her mother. unlike the Milky Way that was found on the base of her third sister. Faith’s lower leg.

Joy was born without her father in the room. 

He came in right after she broke the veil and she cried a piercing scream the moment she came out of her mothers womb.

Her life was not predestined, she was the first to be born free, this was not prophesied like the rest.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

Don’t Stop Believin’

Don’t stop believin’

I did, once
I stopped, I let myself sink
not into a lull, not a momentary lapse
but a period of complete
I settled into a life of
long work hours and few excitements
and empty-headed melancholy

I lived in mediocrity for years,
exploring nothing outside of
work, sleep, repeat


I was inspired,
rejuvenated, energized once again
I remembered who I once dreamed of being
made a plan
to make that ethereal person into a reality

It’s slow, and the fear in the pit of my stomach
is ever-present
some days I don’t think I’ll ever
reach that far off destiny

I shove my way past limitations
because that is the only way I will ever
make a place for myself
doing something I love.

All I have to do
is change my reality
Change myself.

I have already begun,
and I’m nowhere close to finished.