Prompt 30 Hour 24

Let’s Go Crazy

when all hell

is unleashed

and we have been broken

beyond measure

and the powers that be

blame it on the weather

what can we do?

how can we stop it?

when idiots rule

giving pain for pleasure

our hands may be tied

well beyond our backs

but our voices can scream

right the FUCK back!

Invisible Touch

(There is NO better pop star than Phil Collins. NONE
Even if ELO is the greatest full band for eternity
Man just listen to the song- It’s better than anything I could come up with)

Well now I know
There’s nothing harder to see
than whatever it is that keeps us going
But we’re still here
so it must exist
And if we can’t find it
No matter how hard we look
I guess we have to come to peace
with the knowledge that it’s hiding somewhere
Maybe right in plain sight.

Hour 24-Done

We have come to an end

At long last

Eyes droop

Body sighs

Another year’s event

All tidied up into 24 musings

Sleep deprived

We face our computers

Giving it one last hurrah

The hour is late

The day was long done

Tomorrow is today

I am complete

I am shaken from sanity

The work is tucked away

Done Finished The End


lost, absent, vanished

stolen and destroyed

jealousy and revenge

wreak their evil end

and in the aftermath

plots for reprisal birthed

revenge not served cold

but hot, searing boiling

blood letting vengeance

not from the Lord

but at the hands of the victim

risen to maul and mutilate

those who inflict wounds

not to skin and bones

but hearts and minds and psyche


Her thoughts were, at times, volatile
Although he knew her for a while
To him, she appeared sublime
And thought of her thoughts as a chime

Fallen for her smile
He wished; for him, she walk down the aisle
Weird as she was,
She had her own style!

In her own heart
She was hostile
Little did he know,
She was running out of time

Ready to walk another mile
Nothing was worthwhile
She transformed into sunshine
Nobody could ever compile

Ghost Karma episode 3 Hour 12

Ghost Karma Episode 3

Tommy possessed David’s body
And started shooting in the police precinct
Until the Chief sent police to shoot
He ran

Tommy possessed David’s body
And wrecked his home and beloved radio

Tommy possessed David’s body
And caused a car crash on Golden Gate Bridge
Eleven cars, five dead bodies

Tommy possessed David’s body
And ran to the docks, tried to escape

Tommy possessed David’s body
And was imprisoned for life in Alcatraz

Cell block 6
Prisoner 2259

Tainted Love

You told me that you loved me
     but you lied
You told me you’d never leave me
     But you lied
You said that we had time enough
To do what we wanted to do
I fell in love, believed you
     But you lied.
Why did you waste my time?
Why did you waste my love?
Why did you make me waste away in grief?
Why did you make me love you
Knowing you couldn’t love me?
Even though you said you loved me
     But you lied.

Born to Run

Poets in the Marathon.
Yes, we were born to run.
Finishing slow, fast, weak and strong.
Yes, we were born to run.
Any way you can,
Yes, we were born to run.

I Want to Break Free

With the words of Mercury and Bowie, how were we supposed to stay tame?

Bigger hair, parties, dreams.

Drugs and drugs and drugs galore.

Dancing until our feet take control and walk us home themselves.

Age of no regret, anything goes.