Almost there…

I got ahead of myself somewhere. No idea where. But I guess it’s easily done when you’re distracted, a little drunk, and sleep deprived.

But I’m back on track for the final hour.

Will try to go out with a bang.

To the Park

Outside! Let’s go up the hill to the park

We’ll grab the gear, put on our shoes

Let’s start

To play

Today not promised nor timed, let’s run in the wind and jump to the rhymes

1 the sun is out and shining

2 the breeze is blowing cool

3 the birds sing in the trees

4 blue water at the pool

5 inside there are too many rules

Outside! Let’s go up the hill to the park

We know the way

We follow our hearts

Oh if this way everyday we could end and start. At least in my mind every time reminisce on this part of youth.

Prompt 30, Hour 24

You made it (almost)! Congratulations! Hooray! Now just one more poem to write.

For the final prompt I want you to write a poem with the title of an 70’s or 80’s – pop rock anthem. For example We Are The Champions, Eye of The Tiger, Don’t Stop Beliven’.



11. Blue Clouds 


Blue clouds can be in reverse of white or gray. 

They come after rainbow clouds, and do not stay.

An iridescence, a solar halo with ice crystals and water droplets that diffract the sun’s light. 

Flying higher than any man-made kite.

Blue clouds are dreams deferred, like Langston Hughes’ poem.

Blue clouds are definitely something elusive we can “show’em”.

They are no longer imaginary, they are more like blue moons in the sky.

Two full moons in one month are the distant relatives of blue clouds who can often appear shy.

Blue clouds are saved up dreams come to life and fears rolled into one.

Blue clouds are filled with all the hues of the oceans, rivers, seas, lakes and sun.

They include every spectrum of the sky, from the early morning sliver grey  that comes hours before the break of blue begins to mature into day.

Long before it melts into the time of day between light and dark.

It is made up of the twilight that illuminates the sky line like roman glass with its soft pastel hues.

Deepening into jewel tones that appear after sunsets turn into midnight black that cover the the night the sky in the darkest shades of blackberry blue.

Blue clouds are all the tears we produce both joyous or sad. 

Blue clouds are the veins in our bodies that we always had.

Dependent on the amount of oxygen needed to make the iron rich blood coursing through our our veins appear blue.

Blue clouds beget the questions we have deep inside.

Blue is the faith we choose not to hide.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

God, My God (Poem #23)


You do so much for me

You are all encompassing

Ever present

You don’t leave me

You never forsake me

My life is in Your hands


My life would be pointless without you

Your words is a lamp to my feet

And is a light to my feet

You guide me


You are more than I could ever ask for

You take care of me

You love me

You are my Father


My God

You are extravagant

Hour 23: The Past I to III


How does one begin to talk about the past?

Come in and take off your shoes

Don’t step on anything delicate

There’s lots of that round here



My mouth is broken

It has been for quite some time

Sometime I was



And you can’t put back together

                  A trashed China doll

                  A broken crystal glass

                  A shattered snow globe

                  To the way it was before

Restore it

                   It cannot be returned

Instead it becomes a new object

Jagged edges and fangs

For cutting

                On accident, on purpose



It was not pleasant.

That’s okay

It hurt too much.

That’s okay

Dandelion girls, it’s okay now.

Pavement kicker

Dirt digger

Boy kisser

Come on home

What a mess it was.

That’s okay

We made mistakes.

That’s okay, too

Can’t stay all day in the cold.


If I could choose one word to describe her


With unbound locks haloing her head


By the pressures of society


With a heart scarred but unbroken


Los Angeles Native

When I was five, I loved to ride my skateboard
when I was six, it was my bike
when I was seven it was roller skates.

I loved to mow yards and make money
My friends and I used to put on plays
My dad would hag blankets around the porch
and set up chairs in the yard
We charged a nickel admission
and my mom made Kool-Aid and cookies
for an intermission snack

We had two olive trees in the front yard
I loved to climb them. My dad
had to rescue me once.

We had lemon and lime trees,
orange trees and an avocado orchard behind us
It wasn’t ours, but I used to sneak over the wall
and get some.

I remember the elderly man down the street
used to come pick our figs and bring me and my brother
candy for letting him pick them. I think his wife
made fig preserves.

We lived in Los Angeles a block away
from the Los Angeles River.
We weren’t supposed to ride our bikes
in the river beds…but we did.