
Birds chirp in conversations loudly,

they sound as if mornings are their most favorite time of the day

the grassy fields and flowers move as if they are dancing in the sunlight

The sun graciously swaddles the earth while the clouds puff like cotton candy

the city is beginning to wake

12. Strawberries


Strawberries are found in her dreams in her earliest memory on the kitchen table, in the California setting, next to her mom.

A strawberry shortcake scented doll was her only friend when her parents left her for only one night with the man their friend and his English wife.

She only remembers the man who watched  the football game on the screen in the dark and alone like she felt so long ago only two.

No brother to call her own as yet, only strawberries to comfort her.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

They Wait In Peace

I envy

those who wait in peace

no troubled sleep,

restless hours

through these waiting years

guiltless they pretend

innocence will save them

when the end is nigh

and evil reigns supreme


Insanity Took Me – The Story of My Childhood

Section 1 – Zero to Three

Those were the days

When my mother was alive

I thrived

Like never again.

There was love

And hugs

Peeled grapes

With paté sandwiches.

Section 2 – Three to Six

Insanity took me

Not within me, but without.

A crazy man who,

Paid to make me cry

Never wondered why

He was so sad.

Section 3 – Seven to Eleven

I remembered Mama’s name

At the end of school one day

And so, we had to move

All my fault, he said to me

Slapped into eternity,

This devil at my side,

Bruised my legs

Then to jail he did ride.

Section 4 – Twelve to Fourteen

All for acting was my life

Despite the fear, the pain

The strife

Of wealth pretend, did they.

Much to my dismay

The rode upon my back

Empathy their greatest lack.

Section 5 –High School

Both my loves they hated so

Acting, and a man from

Over there

In the pear.

But what did I care.

They were crazy!

13. Strawberries to be continued…

She was left with an impression.

She made the strawberry association

With all that was good

Like in the month she was born in

Close proximity to Mexico and California

Fresh and ripe like her place of birth.

Also like her brother

Who sounded like strawberries when he spoke

Connecting her to her mother

Sweet and decadent as grapes

Closely related to her fathers favorite  berry as well

The rasberry.,,,

For this reason

Strawberries would always hold

A special place in her heart.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

Dear Depression

Dear depression,

You fucking suck

I cannot count the number of casualties
I cannot even quantify the collateral damage
I cannot begin to add up the lost years
I cannot even fathom the billable hours
I cannot sift through the pills and treatments
I cannot properly express in any language
Just how terrible you are

You steal, maim, intimidate, and crush
You wrap your tendrils around hearts and minds
You keep people from seeing the truth
You twist sentences spoken in kindness into barbs
You use every dirty trick

Cancer can be excised
Infection medicated
Wounds cauterized

But you, are like a fungus
Crawling and invading and seeping in
An intelligent parasite slowly feeding on its host
Hiding in places no surgeon would dare go

I have lost good friends to you
I have lost heroes to you
I have lost years to you
I have lost good times with good people to you

In short, you are just the worst

Anatomy of a Wish

It is on dandelion heads

Blown into gossamer

It is on old coins

Tossed into the well’s shelter


It is a fervent prayer

Made on a distant star

Of far flung hopes and dreams

From our limitless reservoir

21. The Messenger XXI

“Not in that river, Billy”

Nobody could ever swim safely in there

Don’t even try, you’re not Superman

Same for the cliff you want to climb

Nobody has ever dared trying

You arrive and do it

Like effortlessly and so smoothly

What’s your secret?

The river taught me that secret

Be water, be the Flow

You’ll get unconditional support

From all the elements, and Angels alike


Once my glove was taken~

Mother had to get it back.

From a woman who was so nasty~

Set her dog on me to attack.


Twice had younger siblings~

Related not through Dad.

Wasn’t until I was older~

Found out how many more I had.


Three times I named my rabbits~

They all died horribly.

One eaten by my friend~

One frozen near our tree.


Four years in clubs of drama~

The only thing I had.

Mentors tried to use me~

They made me very sad.


Five hits from my fun bullies~

‘Til I finally kicked them back.

The tall one needed stitches~

Short one ribs did crack.


( I miss my unspoiled me )