Be Still

Be still, mind

Let those thoughts seep out of your porous shell

Don’t take it personally

He had a bad day, perhaps too little sleep

You took the high way, apologized and made peace

Let those thoughts seep out of your porous shell

And bother you no more

Sleep, and breathe.


At night I lie with your scent close to me

It isn’t from your clothes

Nor the soap you use

But a potent cocktail of skin, linen and air

That clings to you wherever you go

Soak it into my pores

So it may never leave me

As you always have to.



Unconditionally loving

Without record of wrong forgive

Inordinately affectionate

Attentive loyalty give

Excitment upon entering

Bated breath longing when one leaves

Sincerity in appreciation

Simplicity in needs

Instructional as examples and leaders in their duties

These sweet angelic domesticated animals are eximplifications truly

Puppy love


6. Dreamwork …

Dreamwork …

While everyone is working I’m waking up from a night of traveling with students running recital’s …choreography… dancing





I am not getting a paycheck; I am working in my dream.


All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

Cat Woman

Hello cat

My but you are a large one

Stalking my steps.

Your spirit dwells within me

I see.

Now I know that I am you,

And you are me.

We are one with eternity,

Cat. Large cat.

Imagine that!

7. Outside my window

Peeking out the window I see a maple tree dressed in burgundy and alexandrite green leaves gently bobbing back-and-forth in the wind.

I see the world through a row of horizontal blinds that outfit the window like a sunglass frame once worn in a popular music video.

Fully formed red wine saturated leaves are contrasted against a mint green garage turned shed facing a dirt road with a gravel path that sounds like the roads  almost a century ago, minus the planes and sirens that can be heard on occasion.

Inside my widow I see a miniature paper replica of a Japanese maple tree, with finger like leaves is in the foreground  juxtaposed against the inside glass window trying to peek through the background of a carefully curated garden with brown mulch weathered by the sun.

It makes me even more anxious to break through the fourth stage, a willing suspension of disbelief, and go outside to pour the black mulch between the green plants blowing in the breeze as well as in between the now dry azaleas trying to mimic the richness of the black soil that it can create.

I’m convinced gardening is a mirror of our minds wild and free, a little struggle goes a long way indeed.

All rights reserved copyright (c) 2019 Natasha Vanover

As a Kid

Childhood was long ago,
Memories cherished dear,
A large, Polish/Catholic family
Suddenly, childhood is near.

Looking back on family life,
Hindsight seems so clear.
Traditions marked my childhood,
So much more than tears.


Bored Children (Hour 23)

The most potent emotion I can recall
from my childhood is a feeling of needing
something I could not explain. I have countless
memories of pestering my mother in the living room
of our home, complaining that “I’m bored,” and
“I want to do something.”

My mother usually encouraged me to be
constructive at first, such as finishing my share
of the housework, which I often neglected.
She knew this wouldn’t work, it wasn’t what I was after,
but still, she felt motherly enough to remind me.

After this option was shot down,
she would canter through a list of activities: drawing,
playing outside, reading; all of which sounded unappealing,
and still, my dissatisfaction would fester
like an ache I could not mend, an unmet need
I couldn’t understand at the time.

Hour 23. (2019)

A child in guided steps will walk

Although there are rules it must obey

Its mind is free, its thoughts unblocked

Till adulthood fits it with great shackles and taketh freedom far away


While the body will not be restrained the soul turns grey and dour

Instead of life, just time will pass, hour after hour

While faceless men take infant’s ken

Begin the process all again

As scurried flocks of beauteous wren

Swirl around their tower