
little creatures live throughout the world still unseen
water and woods, fire and sky pixies live all over
the nymphs create their scenes and hide all in scene
all creatures seek their preferred and secure cover
when big people seek to see the elves be keen
if you are not you will find none you duffer
big people might do better to just drink poteen
know that both big and small belong to earth mother

The Alarm Clock

That alarm clock rings down to my very soul

Every morning with that infernal toll

I hate it so much that I forget

Just how lucky I am to see another sunrise

Still, I can hit the snooze button and close my eyes

for nine more minutes.

Hour 23: Fire

A small spark and then a roar

A dancing collection of orange

Cracking and warming us

Soon the flames lower

They stop climbing

They start resting

Almost yawning as they go

Soon just embers

A soft glow dimming

Soon to be completely gone


Yay getting a poem done during the hour it is supposed to be done again!! This feels good



it dies of blemishes, of atrophy, of exhaustion …

Left on the table

In the kitchen with

Too many windows,

The air thickens,



Puts one in a salty mood.

In time a white patch will appear,

Then the mold sets in … green.

No one notices.

From within, around the seed,

The heart.

There is decay

From being ignored.

On the wall the clock ticks

Closer to indifference.



TobeTT  # 20

Poem 19 “Stopping by the Woods Response”

“Stopping by the Woods” response by Mandy Austin Cook


the road less travelled

the higher ground
the quality way
against what abounds
the less popular choice
but the one that’s right
that’s what it comes down to.
looking beyond me
for my sight.
it’s not exactly my own inner compass
but it is standing up
understanding what I need
and realizing because it’s what I need
it’s also
what I most want.

Prompt 29 Hour 23

I walked through shoes

bearing holes

changing soles

I walked through jeans

acid washed and skinny

I walked through doors

old and new

I walked upon this earth

a girl laced in poison

breaking through

every misconception.


C. Churchill


Ghost Karma episode 2 hour 11

Ghost Karma Episode 2

Tommy realised he was dead
He tried to get up
Tommy realised he was a ghost
He saw his dead body
On the ground

His ghost chased David
Followed him
Found his home
Tommy possessed David’s body
To make him miserable

Spanish For No Reason

If I have to explain to you


I’m speaking one tongue

instead of the other

just because you’re


it’s likely that any other

conversation we have


be absolutely

uninteresting to me

Dear my former self

Dear ten-year-old me,

Let’s get down to business shall we?

Firstly, take off the fake leather jacket,

It doesn’t look good, you look like a pretentious maggot,

We both know you’re only one of those,


Stop crying out “I know! Miss I know the answer”

It was a rhetorical question, you chancer,

And when you get something wrong,

Don’t cry, please don’t , you look like such a fool,

Don’t even get me started on the swimming pool,


Nobody likes it when you act so condescending,

Your massive ego is never-ending,

You just expect everything to go your way,

It won’t, so please just stop,

And grow the hell up


And I know this is cruel,

But I’m glad I’m not you,

— 13-year-old me

Summer Sunlight

True survival means that you find the best of things

Even from my childhood I learned this to be true

Mom was a stranger but I’m thankful that I am alive

I couldn’t stay with Grandma but the best I have of her thrives

He violated my spirit yet the best of soul survived

They thought they could contain me but I could not be denied

A rose in cement, yes I grew and from the ashes revived

Statistics say I would not grow up strong, but look I have have arrived.

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon