Kids those days

It wasn’t easy but we made it through together

food was scarce

new clothes a luxury

held by the arms of many mothers we knew love

and they knew all of our bedtimes


Childhood-Hour 23

Part One- I am my parents’ daughter

I carry their poverty

Their goodness

Their work ethic

Their sadness

Their height

Their love of music and books

Part 2

I am the youngest

Made fun of by siblings

I was the smallest

The weakest

Smart, but not smart enough

Always unable to measure up

In stature and in life

Part 3

Books saved me

Gave me a place to hide

Gave me a world to explore

Gave me hope in darkness

Gave me a family I could be a part of

Part 4

I was alone too much

I lived in fictional worlds

I made up in my head

At some point I wrote them down

That saved me

And destroyed me too

Part 5

I grew up in a town I hated

Sometimes I still miss it

Everyday I dreamed of better places

Still I am the Nebraska girl

But gone is her innocence and stamina

Nebraska is no place for a writer

Part 6

I found my soul

By letting go of the Bible

I found my heart

By being broken

I found my dreams

By running away

Letting go of everything I knew

I found my home


Winter’s Friend

Winter’s Friend


In dreams

Gliding untethered

Across clear ice


A crisp whoosh

To stop then bow


Blue wool hat

Edged with

Gentle white fur

Falling as feathers

A perfect holy



Rolling snow orbs

Fashioning a

Winter’s friend

Wrapping the

Red scarf

With reverence


Dreams melt as

Car doors slam

Needing help

The old woman

Walks carefully on

Winter memories


Tobe TT # 19

What To Write

What to write

What to write

This is what crosses my mind

As the last episode of Bones plays

And my site screen in front of my face






So, how are you doing?


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved


Wild Life Tale (prompt 27 and 28, Hour 22)

My sister’s first mistake
was to buy a house with her ex-husband.
Her second was to buy that house, with a pool.
We were raised on the coast—fished, swam and surfed.
So sand crabs and jellyfish, sea urchins and sharks
were just part of our growing up.
It’s not like we are squeamish.

When her husband left, she could barely afford the house,
so it fell into what we graciously called lyrical disrepair.
It got serious when her backyard became a zoo.

First, the pool turned green. Unfortunate algae bloom.
Without chemicals to turn it around.
She thought seriously about turning it into a lily pond
by throwing mud into the bottom and adding fish.
It was so green it was probably seen from space.
So she pondered putting a Japanese bridge across it,
to pretend that it was a pond, so she could ignore it.

The grass got long. Her mower conked out.
Then the frogs moved in. Dozens of loud ones.
So loud she couldn’t sleep. One Saturday, she went out
and gathered a dozen big bulls, thought about eating them,
but walked them to the park and released them into the creek.

Then she noticed the snakes.
One rattler, two garter snakes, and a coral snake.
She solved that problem by giving them the back yard.
Plenty of room to walk the dog in the front, she said,
instead of letting him get a snake bite out in back.
It was a good thing, because next she noticed an armadillo
was a regular guest, with several raccoons. They washed
their food in the shallow end of the pool/pond.
Two supervising owls visited each night, seeking rodents,
but happy with snakes instead.

One night a skunk came by and was startled by the dog.
The beginning of the end. Bedlam ensued. A large
can of tomato juice washed one very distressed retriever
who was sure the shower spray was another skunk.
Took us hours to clean the house.
Traps from the humane society yielded
one skunk, one armadillo and two possums. The city
took them all away. After advice on reptile control, they
suggested that the flies bothering her house would be gone
once the pool was under control again.

A week later providence stepped in.
Her old employer needed her back, at her old job
and her old pay. Suddenly she could afford pool chemicals,
a new lawn mower, and a yard man.
For the first time in five years, she feels respectable.
She doesn’t know or care where the animals have gone..
And, no, zookeeper and naturalist are not on her resume.




Failure isn’t the Worst Thing.
There are plenty of things
I wouldn’t rather be. More still
I wouldn’t rather do. Failure
isn’t the end. This isn’t
Self Help. It is an End.
It bites like a horsefly
as you drift off to sleep.
But you can sleep again,
even before the bite heals.
Let it heal. Rest easy. Sleep again.

Tale of Childhood

After a dark night,
There’s a surmise.
Although the moon is bright
And the stars infinite,
With the darkness I fight.

After a hug tight,
There’s a surprise.
Although the kiss is just right
And the smiles infinite,
The love gives me a fright.

After a twilight,
There’s a sunrise.
Although the glimpse is slight
And the feeling alright,
All I see is a lovely sight.

After a skylight,
There’s an advice.
Although I get an insight
And a thought I write,
The souls are here to unite.

Prompt 29/H23-4-12

Carefree and friendly
Eager to experience
A fan of rocks and drawing

Friendly and friendless
Getting into trouble
Interested in reading

Working hard, more awkward
Voracious in two kinds of appetite
Constantly lied to and accused

Always in trouble
Friendly and free
Reading to escape, not just explore

Super Smart, Awkward Friendly
Depressed, Lonely, Accused
Writing to escape, reading to have fun.,

Here at Last

The Sun is a warm brilliant ember, that not only warms the body,  it warms the soul.

To be be able to set in the sunshine once more,  and soak up it’s brilliance.

To feel it’s warming love,  caress the earth,  to watch the flowers and trees bloom to their fullest potential.

Everything’s alive ~

Glorious summer has come at last~

With all the cookouts,  the running around,  with all the vacations planned.

Gardens have been planted to grow,  fresh vegetables,  how I love those so.

The love  of the Summer sun~

Time to have some fun ~

Children playing outside,  with all the laughter and smiles,  and least I forget the bike rides.

To swim in the pool,  oh the sweet smells of honey suckle in the air.

The summer nights ~ Not a care ~

The joy of summer months to me is a blast ~

Summer is here at last… At last…

C. Burgess (c)